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Retired Administration Staff
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Everything posted by Glubu

  1. This is a known issue, it is being worked on.
  2. Welcome to Eclipse
  3. I agree there should be a server rules against Police Provoking and also I support the idea of heftier IC punishments - higher fines and longer jailtime. People should be afraid to get caught, not wanting to get caught. For the higher jail times we could just use the prison located near Sandy Shores, that place is large enough to store enough prisoners. Make it so prisoners can RP with each other but if they end up beating each other they just respawn back inside.
  4. This had been added btw. This topic can be closed and resolved.
  5. Welcome and hopefully it will stop freezing you.
  6. I agree, it's a mess when treating patients with a lot of people standing around. No idea how is actually talking.
  7. Sssh, don't tell them our secret!
  8. Glubu


    Hey Benjamin, enjoy your stay on Eclipse, welcome!
  9. Hahaha who was the ambulance driver that went off a cliff??? Also that desync fucks you guys over so much
  10. So as the title states, my suggestion is to be able to buy a house with money from the bank rather than cash. We have this for cars, I see no reason why we need to buy a house with cash? I don't really feel save to drive around with a huge amount of money to buy a house.
  11. Voice is disabled for the time being. It should be back soon™, everyone has the [NO VOICE] above their heads.
  12. Welcome to eclipse
  13. Welcome to eclipse
  14. "Character Rules Character names must be realistic, which means that they should be commonly used in the real world (national names are allowed as long as they are represented in the Latin alphabet). " There is a rule for it.
  15. It's down currently. Check our discord to stay up-to-date.
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