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Posts posted by Spergburger

  1. Don't think they've said it's being removed, as it's needed to take on criminals in high performance sports cars that completely dust regular cop cars. Like when they gave you a little ride through your windshield when you were running away from them in the elegy retro custom. 

  2. Just have it so that bank robberies are a planned out thing, so both sides can make sure that they have enough people if the police are alerted, that way there's no one doing bank robberies when there's only 1 cop online or something. Or make it so it isn't doable unless a minimum amount of online officers is met, like how you can't repair your car in the garages if there's mechanics online. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Ryan_Ghosh said:

    I feel bank robbery implementation is a bad idea at this moment in time. Bank robberies require an immense amount of planning, preparation, not to mention a great amount of risk. I feel for RP's sake, being able to RP robbing a bank without this prep, and in a realistic fashion should not be allowed. My reasoning is the majority of criminals on the server RP'ly would not be capable of getting hold of the resources and planning required to perform such a 'grandiose' robbery. 


    Depends on what kind of robbery we're talking about. If you go for the vault and take hostages and shit then yeah there's a ton of planning and different things you have to do, but if you're just going for the money in the tellers area you can be in and out of there within 2 minutes. Even less time if you're good. It's only as complicated as you make it. 

  4. So in my limited amount of hours on FiveRP one thing that stood out to me was how well they did fishing. On their server you can fish from a variety of different spots, as well as fish from boats and store the fish in boats. My suggestion is that we use something similar to this system. Fishing drop offs could be added at the end of some docks or boat launches, and the fishing areas accessible by boat could have more valuable fish, therefore rewarding the people who invested in a boat. I believe this would help make boats more appealing, especially if there are more added and their prices are rebalanced since currently they seem to expensive, and it would help make fishing more popular as well as give people new things to do and new reasons to go to underused parts of the map, since that place might now have their favorite fishing spot. On FiveRP there were groups of people that acted as fishing companies, and would work their way up to a fleet of boats for fishing, and I believe that we could have the same thing on our server if these changes were made. 

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  5. 23 minutes ago, TheFluciFial said:

    After thinking about it a little bit Scott, I do kind of agree that there should be questions and alternatives before making a jump like this. I apologize for jumping to a conclusion so quickly, I should have thought about it a bit more. After seeing so many community member's opinions, I agree that this was handled poorly, but to a certain degree. I do feel that we should have tried putting rules in place before taking them away, however I still completely support the reasoning behind what was done today. Once again, sorry for jumping to conclusions, but once again, I'm not sure if this update is a permanent thing, it most likely won't be, as there will probably be rules in place and harder ways of obtaining super-cars in the future, in the event they are re-added. Thank you for reading.

    No worries, and I never meant for my comments about the community being ignored to offend. I'm not arguing about the merit of keeping or removing supercars, since that's an entirely different topic, I'm agreeing with you on how this was handled poorly, and making a suggestion that in the future this is not how it should be handled at all. If this suggestion isn't taken note of then consider it a warning, because if people who have spent hundreds of dollars and hundreds of hours of their time on a server feel like they're being ignored they will leave.

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  6. There are a lot of people who feel pretty burnt by what happened here and the lack of transparency, long time players and staff members included. I'm merely suggesting that going forward things are handled very differently in regards to situations like this. Remember that this is a server for people to play on and have fun, not the admins who make up 5% of the playerbase to decide that what they want on the server is what's right, and what the community thinks is irrelevant.

  7. 46 minutes ago, TheFluciFial said:

    I think that saying we don't have the community's interests in mind is an ignorant statement for many reasons. Our developer, key word developer, has just spent months re-coding the entire server moving us to a stable platform so that we could enjoy RP even more. It's not like we come out of no-where with these type of things, this has been being discussed for a long time, between admins, developers, police department, and even some of the super-car owners, and the idea has been brought up a lot. It is the overall consensus that for the time being, remove super cars. In the future, super-cars will most likely be re-added, but (hopefully) at higher prices, higher labor cars, and above all, stricter and more specific rules regarding vehicle FearRP.

    As for your overall suggestion of keeping transparency, this (correct me if I am wrong) was the only thing changed in a while that didn't have the majority opinion before the change ensued. If you really take the time to look at the recent changes in RageMP, these are all popular and most requested suggestions, and I'm sure more suggestions will be added in the future. Please don't think the staff-team makes decisions such as these to provide a burden to the community, because we don't, we are just trying to create an experience enjoyable to all players.

    I didn't say that the community's best interests aren't in mind, I said that people might start to think that it's not if big divisive changes like this continue to be made without getting the publics opinion on them beforehand. Considering how many people were shocked by this update I highly doubt that as many people were asked about it as you claim there were. Also asking the PD about anything criminals do is always going to have a negative reaction. Remember when they thought 10 hour jail times were a good idea? I'm not calling out the server and saying it's bad, I'm suggesting that in the future there is more transparency regarding big changes like this, or else the community will be unhappy if they're completely ignored and feel like what they want for the server and their opinion on server matters is meaningless.  

  8. Police have super cars themselves, as well as helicopters to help combat criminals using supercars. But like I said earlier this isn't about whether or not they should've been removed, this is about transparency and listening to the community. If the community had been informed of this change and allowed to give their opinion on it beforehand I wouldn't be making this post, but instead this massive change which has even caused some people to leave the server was added without asking the community if they wanted it or not. That seems wrong to me and if divisive changes like that keep being added without anyone being made aware of them or allowed to vote on whether or not they want them added you'll see a lot of people leaving the community because they feel that the server doesn't have their interests in mind but instead the interests of the admins.

  9. As most people probably know by now an update was recently added to the game that removed supercars from being purchasable, and is later going to remove supercars from everyone's possession. While I won't say whether I'm for or against this change (I didn't even have a super car) it is obviously very divisive and lots of people have an issue with how it was added to the game without anyone besides Nobody and maybe the admins knowing about it existing. In the future I believe it is important to have transparency with the community so they know what is being changed, and to see how they feel about the changes that are being made before implementing them. This would help to build the server that the community wants as opposed to the server that the admins want.

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