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Posts posted by Denni

  1. 4 minutes ago, Resfiel420 said:

    I believe that IC stupiidy should be handled ICly, if someone wishes to raid a prison.. they deal with the consequences.  Body armor & heavy grade firearms will outclass the majority of criminals that attempt to "raid" it, plus not to mention LSPD would show up shortly after if SADOC were to lose.  As of right now, the inside of the prison is a NCZ.  The outside, however, can be attacked if we were to say LSPD was doing a transport to the prison.

    It's sorta in our job description to defend the prison, I dislike the "invisible soldiers" mentality.  I do agree with the fact that we should have guidelines.

    RP death is tolerated to a certain degree, it's a "get out of jail free card" for criminals when police decide when it can be used.  It does exist, it doesn't actually character kill the character though.. which is why I am confused on why they allow it and call it "death."

    It's funny. I had a guy ask to death rp because he was streaming... Because he didn't want to sit in jail. 

  2. 35 minutes ago, Resfiel420 said:

    SADOC HC here....

    We're okay with raids, as long as you cannot RP death if you die during a prison raid.  There should also be a "requirement" to raid, such as prison sentence time left.  The best way to deal with people who wish to attack the prison wthout a RP reason is to arrest them after they fail and throw them in for 2 hours.


    (source; the 5 people that died in our parking lot after failing to bust their buddy out of a convoy and spammed OOC chat that they "RPly died and cannot be arrested")

    Absolute shit show that. They came and then wanted to death rp. I'll be posting a report up later about that situation. Genuinely sick of shit rp. You realistically wouldn't send 10 guys to break out 1 guy at a really highly protected area.

    They still failed to show me any evidence of not metagaming and deathmatching. 

    I also think Bailingbroke should have requirements as it's so unrealistic as it'd be so heavily guarded at all times. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, KalleKid said:

    This is the main reason I'm annoyed with the state of Criminal RP. Personally, I never rob someone without an IC reason. It gives the mugging more meaning and makes the RP more interesting rather than. /s HEY! /S GENG? /S HANDS UP DIS ROB 5 SEC OR DIE!.

    I have been RPing Grove recently and I have been trying to keep the RP good. it's hard when you constantly get targeted with driveby mug on sights while you are just trying to do proper RP. It's gotten bad enough that. I sometimes consider just going out with nothing but a radio.

    also, another thing that pisses me off is people that rob you in broad daylight or in the middle of a public street... 

    Like, even though no one is around. Realistically there are multiple witnesses watching you mug me in the parking lot beside PD/MD. The worst one was when I got mugged beside the cloth shop near PD... What's so hard about, luring someone behind a dark alley or something.

    For a new player, this mentality is what ruins the new player base. If you get mugged and lose 3-4k of value, what's stopping you from doing the same?

    My Grove RP is not perfect, But I'm still doing my best to give it more depth and make it fair for the players around me.

    Also NO. I don't want mugging rules to be changed. Just my side of how I think the whole system is.

    +1. Everything you said. 

    • Like 2
  4. 10 minutes ago, M_T said:

    Here's the issue with letting CKing be a choice at all times, it destroys RP. I'll give you two scenarios, these scenarios will begin by showing how it is currently VS how I think it should be with the forced CK.


    ➸ Besus_Shrist takes a large loan from a loan shark, Besus refuses to pay it back. Loan shark finds and kills Besus, Besus Respawns and acts like nothing happened.

    ➸ Uarack_Cobama has a shoot out with the police where he kills 12 cops. Urack gets 120 Months jail time (2 Hours OOCly) and then proceeds to be a free man.

    What it should be.

    ➸ Besus_Shrist takes a large loan from a loan shark, Besus refuses to pay it back. Loan shark finds Besus and excutes him, Besus gets CKed and faces the consequences for not paying the loan shark back the money he owed.

    ➸ Uarack_Cobama has a shoot out with the police where he kills 12 cops. Urack gets life time in prison or the Electric chair, he will never be a free man.


    This is once again just my opinion, but I do see it as a huge issue that actions never have any consequences on Eclipse, doesn't matter if you crashed your car you can just keep driving it without RPing a squat, oh you started trouble with a gang? Well you just get killed and then wait 5 minutes to respawn and avoid anyform of proper consequence. People who example pick to RP criminals need to be able to face the consequence of a forced CK due to their actions, it puts them on edge, something which makes the roleplay more true to real life. Criminals live on the edge.


    You don't need to share my views, but I do believe that forcing people to take consequences will make people weary of their decisions.

    When put like this; I do agree more so. I think if someone does as you said; killing 12 cops etc. it should be a harsher punishment than just 120 minutes. Too many people commit too many crimes and will happily sit AFK for 2 hours.


  5. 1 minute ago, M_T said:


    What I suggest is done about the deaths being a minor inconvenience to people is to implement a system where one party if they have a valid reason enough can force CK someone, this would also add chances for Loan Sharks, and proper beef where the other party doesn't just respawn. Imagine how immersive a gang war would be if the other gang is trying to execute the leader of the rival gang. I believe that a system like this would also prevent people from starting gang wars for stupid reasons that quite frankly, are dumb.

    Character killing should always stay the choice of the characters owner. Sorry. I do know where you're coming from though.


  6. 2 minutes ago, Chris Bluestone said:

    Yea it hard to do some kind a roleplay with someone because only what you see and get is ''Handsup now now now or I will kill you '' and they are not even giving you a time to respond .  The way how they are running toward you and cleaning out your Inventory its so Non-RP .  With out any RP or something els just cleaning out and running away and only what hear was '' hahahaha '' 

    Its Stupid .. 

    This morning I had a lovely experience. One guy using our OOC discussion to vendetta against me because he Fail RP first and then came back a second time! 

  7. 18 hours ago, Tylergo20 said:

    like to be frank but whats the point of Hands up your getting robbed I am driving a Transport all I may have is a radio, a wiski, and a sub. like really if your that hard on cash that you half to rob someone that is on a job. get out of my way. and talking at 120 kph has to stop unless your in the same car. like i got a car to car transmitter that can hear you. why cant they just follow the truck and wait for it to stop like normal robbers do. they are not going to rob you on the side of hiways. they going to wait till your in a place by your self so they can pounce on you. there should be more rules layed out for criminals. 

    They forget that robbing you at 130KPH is unrealistic. Shouting out of their cars... 

    • Like 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, OBESE said:

    That is a very false information. Been on the server for only two days and I have met plenty of farmers and also been in situation where a person cannot join farming because all 3 lanes are taken, when there still could be added 2 more as the field allows it. Im talking mainly about Osvalds fields as that is where I do my farming.

    +1. Another 2-3 lanes. That's all. 🙂

  9. 2 hours ago, Nubbsauce said:

    Since they are going to be added, the only thing I can do is offer suggestions on how I think they can be properly implemented without being stupidly broken:

    I don't think the player should be auto charged when the car exceeds 130 or 70 automatically, no matter where they are. That is severely broken and Passive Powergaming Via PD if players got automatically ticketed by their speedometer and not an actual speed camera. Even still... this brings up the issue of: "What if my car is stolen and the criminal speeds?" This could EASILY be abused by criminals by just constantly running through the speed cams in the stolen car, racking up AUTOMATED tickets for the other player, even though the player had NO control over that (Powergaming).

    1. Place them at intersections around Government Buildings, and NCZs. (Bank, TeqLaLa, Gas Stations, Finance Buildings, Weazel, DCC, PD, MD. The Water station on the freeway North of the racetrack, ETC.) That way they would be Designated Speed Camera Spots and would send a notification to the PD if someone passed it going over 70/130kmh. 

    2. The speed Cameras shouldn't automatically ticket people based on the car, (Per the reason above), but instead alert the PD. Kind of like the Store Alarms. That way PD could set up a Speed Trap, and correctly radar, and ticket players by doing a Two-Point Speed Trap: One cop Radars the Car, the other Cop(s) ahead setup a roadblock at a choke point to stop the vehicle and/or traffic, to correctly catch, ID, and ticket the speeding player. (aka actual tactics).

    3. Make a Mobile Speed Camera that PD can Deploy on the side of the road, Just how they can deploy road blocks. Those speed cameras would radar the speed of the players passing, alert the Officer who placed it down, with the Make/Model and License Plate of the Vehicle, giving them the ability to set up down the road and get ready to sting the suspect.

    4. Once the cameras detect the same make/model and license plate of a vehicle violating the speed multiple times(IE: 5 times), they would put out an automatic BOLO (ATL) on the vehicle with the number of times they have sped through a speeding camera (BUT NOT TICKETING THEM). A way to kinda of keep track of that via the MDC would be to have the vehicles themselves have a record on them, rather than it reading the players record. 

    I don't think Automatic Ticketing Speed Cameras would be a good addition to the server, as it is Passive Powergaming, could be abused by criminals, doesn't create RP, and could have a negative response from the players (which bring life to the server). I think the suggestions above would be a more proper way of implementing the speed cameras, keeping the player base happy, AND creating RP (Which is why we are here in the first place).


    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    1. PD doesn't need another 300 notifications per minute.

    2. See #1.

    3. +1

    4. +1

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