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Everything posted by Shurples

  1. +1 A while ago crashing into things yeeted you out of the car ( a little too easy ) but if they edited that ever so slightly and brought it back along with seatbelts it would be really nice.
  2. +1 Great idea & I like that it can be used for everyone!
  3. Lucky you don't have to buy it then if you can't afford it
  4. -1 I'll agree it could have some more realistic graphics but I like the idea of it and it's a good addition!
  5. I'm just looking for offers at the moment, looking for another 4g.
  6. Feel free to add this to the list and remove mine to save having 2 posts up!
  7. Currently this is the UI at the prison, this is very misleading / uninformative, new criminals may and have thought that this is how you get money from your stamps and unfortunately learn the hard lesson that this only reduces the sentence time. Please could this be edited to say something along the lines of:
  8. 10 West Eclipse Blvd Click the image to view the video
  9. Here is a poor visualisation of what they should / could look like! Also change the rate food goes bad pleaseeee Perhaps ctrl X and right click the vending machine to be able to edit / add food into it instead of having a constant list of ugly floating text
  10. but at that point they either have their hands up, complying or they could just stall and resist arrest. A rule could be set in place for a set delay required on macos that involve other players? Isn't that also abusing the fact people are typing (Powergaming)?
  11. +1 makes RP run smoothly & it's not unfair for anyone so why not? Pls I suck at typing
  12. +1000 the amount of times I lose the licence in chat and have to ask for it again… Allowing 2 options though: “Show ID” & “show ID - allow alias” this can allow you to show your ID to it auto aliases you to friends, no faffing about with commands! This doesn’t remove the /alias command but adds a quality of life update to the server.
  13. I was actually saying this the other day! Along with approved player adverts, you can use real adverts from real companies that appeal to gamers too, potentially earning a revenue.
  14. What email are you waiting to receive?
  15. +10000x if players asked weazel for ads made my themself or by using a template and it was posted on the phone it would give people more reason to view an ad and less chance of them being missed. "3G House for sale" but with an image so people can actually see it! less spam in chat / less of an eye sore.
  16. I would like to suggest a live radio station ran by Weazel News! This would connect to car speakers & regular speakers. This could allow for many avenues of roleplay for employees & special guests that they choose to invite. This would be good for community relations & something for everyone to enjoy all around. This is something that worked back in the Gmod days and this is the site that was used to host a radio station - https://www.shoutcast.com (Can be free if you use it on the server you own). Unsure of how it works but could ask.
  17. A better shop preview for ALL shops including /modview - Ft. a really bad visual presentation Features: Thumbnails (Easier to see what to buy & see more at once instead of scrolling for 10 mins). Basket so you can add/remove items before you purchase & be able to add multiple things at once. Clothes stay on you so you can preview an outfit rather than it resetting when you change item. This would also work with shop owners so adding / managing stock is easier. As for shop owners, this is what the current UI looks like for ordering stock, it's pretty awkward/difficult in my opinion. You can also only order one thing at a time, entering the name, amount and how much you wish to pay for the delivery for example: Items Code: BEVERAGE_BEER Amount: 10x Payment: $1300 It would be better if we could buy in bulk, adding multiple items to one delivery, this would obviously require a more expensive shipment to pay the trucker who has to spend longer picking up/delivering the stock BUT if it looked like the suggestions below, it would be SO much easier clicking the items rather than having to remember and type in the item code. Current Shop System: Suggested:
  18. +1 (but with edits) I was going to suggest this but saw this post so I would like to add onto it! This should only work on perma stalled vehicles and should only repair it to like 30%. The cost should be above the average price of mechanics rates. It should be a one time use. It should use a skill check that takes time. Perhaps when the toolbox is used, cap the cars speed to 40 (This would then return to default when fixed by a mechanic). High in weight. Why? mechanics are very limited at the moment & at certain times of the day and it's not game breaking for players to repair their car to allow it to drive to a mechanic. While the pushing feature is good, it's not viable to push your car from the city to Paleto & vice versa and you still may have to wait for mechanics to be on duty.
  19. 100% agree you should look at ways to improve your own experience, especially when complaining won't solve anything BUT it's a good conversation that I think needs to happen. Development is happening, I see that from the updates that get sent out in the discord, sometimes a couple days in a row which is great but it's somewhat minor updates that only effect a small group of players. We are eager to see the new house robbing update but this was last teased 17th May... 6 months ago. It's been just over a year the Drug update was teased. Since then we have received a new chop shop system that from my understanding doesn't get used very often any more & the roadworkers job. I understand there may be setbacks when it comes to development, I just ask that we be kept updated and not left in the dark. We are also waiting on a new clothing system & new hair but it just feels like some things have been abandoned because nothing is being communicated to us. I understand you only have 2 developers so I get things take time but why not branch out and have more on the team? I've been part of this community since 2019 and I want to see it thrive. Although there have been some great updates since then, I feel as though we are very outdated still. Edit: Without realising there were 2 pages to this thread, I've since noticed there has been an update but this is something that would be nice to see on the discord/announcements.
  20. Here is another example of how even on green, it fails - https://streamable.com/mjsz0q
  21. I would like to suggest that the spawned vehicles that are meant for stealing should have spawned items inside them that can be sold, since chop shops are difficult to come across. The spawned items should vary and have a spawn rate so it's different each time. The items I've thought to suggest are: Cash Bobby pins (amount should vary per vehicle) Car speaker Jewellery (Would be better if we had thumbnails of the items) Tools like a drill, crowbar, screwdriver. (Perhaps in like a work vehicle that matches the rp) View images here -> https://www.canva.com/design/DAFUFjankVM/K7ZzxhVA5t38AvZDdYhO2g/view?utm_content=DAFUFjankVM&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
  22. I didn't even think about that, I hate getting pushed around when I'm sat down! Defo would be good if it could be locked in place too.
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