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Vitaly Gorbachev

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Everything posted by Vitaly Gorbachev

  1. they should have their ID hidden in the trunk too. 100% agree. also +1 to holding X removes ID too, only while stationary for driver, and any time for passangers.
  2. It is indeed. I would definitely massively +1 the idea of having another trailer Depot that you can choose to pull from in Paleto. I'd also add maybe having a fuel depot in sandy or grapeseed for fuel stations that side. Would love to see more loading options for different goods. Its kinda lame that only 1 depot per "catagory". Would be nice to have two per "catagory" and two trailer pickups ( 1 in city and 1 in paleto)
  3. Then make it so permission is required to tow the vehicle like mechanic services. The tow function probably needs a small rework but its doable.
  4. I mean the real cruise control, so you don't have to hold down W or "the pedal".
  5. I love the trucking adjustments, a few bug fixes here and there but I am sure that will be handled swiftly. I am concerned about one thing. I think the disappearing trailer after a job is pretty unrealistic. Here is a suggestion that would help solve that issue, as well as the trucking job issue and add slight quality of life improvements. Upon completing your delivery, instead of the trailer de-spawning, you could add in one last task to return the trailer to the park or re-use the same trailer for deliveries with the same compatible trailer type. (Pegasus_ suggestion) Side note: The trailer collection point could probably be adjusted to a more realistic location, otherwise dressing the current location with permanent trailers (if at all possible) would be a good touch.
  6. Cruise control for cars, trucks and boats. Engage with Shift + W (on and off toggle) It cruises at the /cruise (speed) you have set when pressing L. (Automatically applies the petrol for you like real cruise control would)
  7. also +1 and feel free to tweak the above if its too overpowered.
  8. Garbage: (Credit to Roo Lestrange) New garbage pickups only available to level 7 and up. Bonus added to full drop offs of 10 bags for level 5 and up. ($1580 + $90) + $10 for every level up from there. Different uniform More truck options with more space to carry more garbage.
  9. Add "Cigarette butt" or "Weed roaches" as items that spawn when you finish a cigarette or joint. These can be used to track DNA via saliva. Its realistic and quite cool and might get people to interact with it a little more.
  10. +1 makes no sense that you cant, and as mentioned a more organic hostage situation!
  11. +1 could also be a great way for LSEMS air division to get some roleplay too. Air lifting and what not.
  12. I'd love to be able to use the tramway somehow, even if its a delayed teleport from the bottom to the top, it would add some cool roleplay options. Make parachutes relevant, people like to skydive and cliff jump! Lets make this a fun activity that can be easily available to all citizens! They should be available to buy from a store, surely? And not overpriced. Pala Springs
  13. Yeah if you were uncuffed sure, but zip tied no, there should be an option to break a ziptie though. Skill checker that takes 30 ticks.
  14. After an incident in the families property caused a fire and a major loss to the business capital, it is with great sadness that we have to let go of the property until funds are managed properly. We sat with a debt and it was holding us back from growth. Rychkov has decided to take a hold on obtaining a property, to rather focus on the basic needs for the family to thrive. An operating economy within the ranks of The Bratva, each contribution to the family can be rewarded in certain ways. Ingredients for drugs can be bought, and sold to the family for a small mark up. We want to be able to offer more than just a family, but a career too. A career in crime, or legal work to hold the front. We are in the works with all the backend paperwork, once that is sorted, we can finalize a plan for constant availability to drug ingredients. These ingredients can be sourced by the associate themselves, leading to greater incomes, or they can stock up the family supply for a small income, and gather other materials to which they will be compensated fairly. In order for a system to work, there needs to be structure. Structure keeps you on the right track, in line with your destination.
  15. Perhaps a store bought item from a shady dealer? A blindfold that can be placed on a persons head (as a head item), causing the players screen to black out till it is removed. Would be nice for all sorts of RP, criminal and civil. Surprise parties, kidnappings, concealing a location etc etc.
  16. +1 and make the speed at which you fly threw the windshield reduced from what it is currently set to.
  17. It would be nice to have that implemented, however there has to be a kind of quick release that still takes 2 seconds to release the radio, so you can take it out when you no longer want to leave it in your car. Only the owner of the car should have a "demobilizer" attached to their key that can release the radio regardless of who's radio it is. (after a 2 second delay like filling water, you can also unlock the radio and pull it out)
  18. If its possible, it would be cool to be able to link speakers to the same channel so you can play one track on the main speaker, and all 3 other linked speakers play the same track simultaneously. Would add more emersion at parties, would work nicely for all kinds of events. It would also be quite cool if you could connect a microphone to the system but that may be a whole new code.
  19. Possible to script something like a lock on the car radio? In order to steal it you have to use a screwdriver to "release" the radio, unlocking it and allowing for the thief to steal it. Makes no sense that someone can just break in and take a car radio instantly. Especially at a petrol station or something. I know you can report this behavior but the above mention will prevent non RP completely.
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