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Everything posted by Toth

  1. I bought a single rose weighing 5 kg from the store once. Could we maybe have a bit of weight reduction as well for some of decor things, pretty please? I know the counter-argument is that a stone slab weighs 5 kg as well, but it would make for much more intricate decorating, if we didn't have to add extra trips to the store for those "final touch" things. I tried building a bar in a property and that was 5 trips with 50 in pocket and 100 in a bag for the glasses, bottles, coasters etc. alone.
  2. Date and time (provide timezone): 12/20/2023 01:42 (Server time) Character name: Carlos Shelby Issue/bug you are reporting: The first part is that the job board doesn't work for me in either Paleto or the city. And the second part is likely someone having messed up the value of logs at woodcutting. Expected behavior: I don't think "I can't see the job boards when in front of it or on the map" needs much explanation. The part about the value of logs having been set wrong after an update, comes from a post in the Weazel Newsfeed. The wording of it makes it sound as if lumber is worth more now, so I figured "Lets go check". Logs used to be about $110 or so. About the value of 5,5 branches. Now Logs are the value of below 2 branches? Was the value meant to be raised to $138? Or is the Newsfeed inaccurate in its message and $38 is the correct price for logs going forward? Because if so then the weight of logs might need to be reduced to 2 kgs to get the profit-to-weight ratio corrected, compared to the previous relation between the harvested parts of the tree. Thank you for your efforts. Merry Christmas. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate:
  3. Toth


    Whoops. Wrong part of the forum.
  4. +1 While at it, then please do the same for the buses plus the mail and money courier vehicles. I can't really see the reason why they wouldn't also have radios installed.
  5. I've completely stopped using the in-game speakers for this very reason. Both /carurl and /speakerurl cuts out at about 85-90% of the song played.
  6. I've been planning a tertiary mechanic location for a while, which purely worked mech requests on a fixed rate, leaving modifications and full body repairs (0 condotion) to the two physical locations to not kill traffic for them. This would include a better reformation program for people with felonies etc. on their records hopefully, since I know a lot of people from shady background who're professional to the core as long as they get paid fairly and treated with the respect they deserve, when they behave and chill out. Having read through this post then it might be better to help out LSC instead, since Bayview wasn't my cup of tea (Too "Nature Documentary" about standing around doing nothing) and quit after ten days though. I still managed to get about 100 hours under the vest during that time, since I've always loved being in the mechanical workshop, its vibe and the people working within the industry. Especially back when checking the starter engine involved using a hammer and you could smoke over flammable liquids without a worry of getting yelled at from the boss for being careless. We lost a few along the way to combustion, but ah, you win some, you lose some. It might involve moving LSC to a bit easier to access place than the odd backlot with ramps. I don't know about you, but I find it a nightmare to drive in there with my tires popped etc.. LSC and Bayview (why not merge the work pools/factions as well if possible?) would get a very sweet staff room, as I've got the community center between Club Arcadius and The Pawn shop already set up with pool and amphitheater around back, and a lot of opportunities for some proper RP inside the premises as well. Even got a sound studio if we should make be in the mood for some jingles and such. So how about a temporary "Pier 2.0" until we can get that silly camera knocked down? Or at least get it to 80 km/h as it's bad city planning to have that area be the only area (to my knowledge) where 50 km/h is the limit.
  7. Make a nail/makeup saloon part of the hair-dresser. A LOT of women are quite angry at it costing 30k to put on new war paint. Then make the plastik surgery offer up the option to make people forget your "soul"/memory of your aura. I originally thought plastik surgery would have people not recognize you if you changed drastically enough. Kinda silly that it doesn't. For example. It would be nice to make the offspring of a char who, after the one has died, "inherits" the vessel and its belongings in a changed visual state. I look a lot like my dad. Wouldn't it be fair to say I would inherit everything from my dad and still look like him? So an option at the surgeon where a "delete shared memory" button was available. A "wipe all /alias'es of me" button. Not the "delete your character" as it'd make no sense to not inherent to another character after death, if the two are RP'ed to be related. Edit: Make it a "disable permanently" button instead. Deleting characters off an ID list has made them accumulate glitches over time for me in the past, administrating online servers. I know it sounds stupid, but programming language can be super-semantic and specifically odd in reference changes and deletions. And we're talking about Rockstar here so... biiiit jank at times.
  8. Hyungwon Wan - 1 Ticket https://imgur.com/ZZT5ibM[/img]
  9. Toth


    Sovvy Didn't mean to yell at you as you did your job very well ICly and not letting a yelling, elder man walk off. DEEEEEP RP setup that is meant to result in a court case against slander and you were interrupting a VERY angry Santa. And yeah... Once I continue adding more to this post you know why I made the preample because about 350 pages of very intricate text needs to be presented aaaand... uhm... yeah... bit by bit
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