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Everything posted by MrTimbsy

  1. thank you lewis. I could not agree more
  2. if it has buns = burger if it has sliced bread = sandwich
  3. Date and time (provide timezone): 31/07/2023 10:19am UTC Character name: Hugo Hernandez Issue/bug you are reporting: When you attempt to enter a vehicle as a passenger by pressing G once, the game thinks you are holding down G and the menu pops up as you if are selecting a specific seat. That should only happen when you hold down G. I have spoken to others about this issue and it seems to happening to a lot of people. Expected behavior: You should be able to press G once and be able to enter the vehicle like normal, not having that specific seat selector UI show up. Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: The first clip seen below show me attempting to enter the passenger seat of a Police Crown Vic by only tapping G once yet the specific seat selector UI still shows up. Same goes for the second clip but this time I am entering a personal vehicle. The third clip is another deputy attempting to enter their police vehicle having the same issue. Overall it seems to be happening with a lot of people and its no vehicle in specific. https://streamable.com/rb8w30 https://streamable.com/ebbhgf https://streamable.com/30n63y Vehicle license plate number*: Seems to be happening to all vehicles.
  4. +1 I think a lockdown timer would be a really good script to implement. Something like a /lockdown #minutes would be nice because if for example if the last DOC guard clocks off, you are just left in a cell due to a lockdown for the rest of your sentence.
  5. Lights, sirens, they were everywhere. As the cruiser finally stalled, everyone dispersed running in all directions. After Josh hid inside of a bush and fooled the cops on his whereabouts, he didn't know what to do. He peered through the bush with fear watching all of his friends get arrested. It was Ronin first. Those dirty pigs aimed firearms at him with intent to shoot. If Josh could have done something, he would have. Next he saw James. After James attempted to steal one of the cruisers, he was tazed, shoved to the ground and cuffed. It was not looking good for Josh's friends. Lastly Brayden went straight for the water in attempt to escape. Unfortunately he had AIR-1 tailing him resulting in his capture too. But the cops weren't happy. They had all but one. They kept screaming on the radio, "WHERE IS JOSH VAESERI!?". This made Josh laugh to himself as he was sat right in front of them covered in foliage. The cops searched and searched with no results on Josh's position. They finally began to pack everything up when an officer got a little too close. He peered around at Josh's bush looking for any sudden movements. Upon him approaching closer he was ordered to clear out and end the search. Josh's heart was pumping but he was finally free. He had done it. He was the only one that made it out but he new it wasn't going to be easy. Double checking that the coast was clear, he dashed out of his bush making his way closer to the southern shoreline. Josh found a nice spot for him to rest and lay low for the night. Dawn had finally come meaning Josh had to make a move. He got out of his bush and started head towards the outskirts of the city. Josh was starting to get dehydrated and needed to find a store fast. He come across the oil fields trying to find someone to give him a ride. But things did not turn out they way Josh would have thought. Upon looking around Josh came across multiple dead bodies as well as some drug tables. As he took a closer look.... BANG! Josh started to hear multiple gunshots so ran into cover asap. He found himself in the middle of a gang shootout. Out of all the possible places it could have been, it just had to be where Josh was. He once again was on the move in order to find something drink and eat. Moving closer and closer into the city, more and more cars starting driving by. This made Josh nervous as any of these could be a cop car attempting to capture him. But he kept on moving. Finally after making some risky decisions, Josh found himself at Apestore curing his crave for food and water. He felt confident like nothing would stop him. As he was about to exit the store his heart dropped. Two cruisers drove right past him heading back to the area he was lost. When the coast was clear Josh found himself another bush and stay put for a while. Josh started searching through frequencies in order to find someone to help him. He went onto the frequency used during the prison break and checked multiple times to luckily find James responding! They kept things discreet and he made his way over to pick Josh up. Josh jumped in the trunk of his patriot, got given a mask, and they made their way to a clothing store. Finally after Josh got himself back on his feet he realised he is still a fugitive at large meaning although he fooled the cops and wasted them a lot of time, he knew that he couldn't do a lot of stuff with the Underground until he was caught. Would he keep on running? Or would he turn himself in?
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