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Everything posted by DontSniffSugar

  1. hey man i really enjoyed rp'ing with you the other day!

    1. Ernest


      Wallah your an npc.

  2. I believe that a change for salary and debt needs a rework. There's been many times where I've gone broke and worked 4 hours of my time to pay off my debt and haven't earned a single penny from that work because 100% of that goes to the debt. I believe a better change would be so that 75% of what you make should go towards your debt while you get to keep the remaining 15%. I believe that is a fair balance towards paying off your debt and still being able to scrap up money to make a living.
  3. I’ve made this suggestion so by default you get a +1 from me
  4. +1 shouldn't have to pay 8k for some soap and water
  5. Here is a screenshot of my welcome message. https://imgur.com/a/9G0O4f1
  6. Can I get donator on the forums? I never bothered getting it on the forums until now. Proof here: https://imgur.com/a/3AZsPp9
  7. I know this is probably a very minor thing, but I dislike that you cannot have a radio with earrings on female (or male I'm not judging) characters. I believe that so many outfits would be so much cleaner if your character could have earrings, while at the same time being able to communicate with other characters with their radio. I know it's probably so miniscule that nobody else probably cares but this is my suggestion.
  8. I believe it would be a really nice QOL change if the devs could add a number to your phone messages to show how many new texts you have gotten and have an icon indicator showing unread texts, I personally have so many texts that are cluttered and I hear my text noise go off but I can't find the new text.
  9. Actually looking back, there may be one on the other light and may not be a bug, but it's still bs
  10. Whenever I slow down for the speed cams to not get a ticket, I get double ticketed, where it caught me the second time a real speed cam wouldn't be able to see me as I was almost directly under it, its happened before, Video here:
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