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Everything posted by Dima

  1. You can contact a dealership and ask to import them
  2. Crazy prices ngl, do you but you’ll be stuck with them cars for a long time. panthera last time I saw they sold between 450-600 dead car. La Coureuse See expensive but going dealership prices kind of insane as majority of the time you’re gonna be losing money. 190z aswell there so many of them that people have nowadays there not worth dealership prices much lower. People who are collecting maybe or if it’s a good other than that no need.
  3. His bf400 is maxed if people downbad for money they will sell for 90k I managed to sell my mine for 130k
  4. It would be great idea but you have to think of the pros and cons. Firstly how people meant to get a boat there if you’re thinking about making the lot down there. Secondly selling larger vehicles would be impossible to get down there. Over all how would the script run if normal people while they go in and out and you can’t as everything’s realistic has to be synced properly. Plus there would too much fps issues probably for most people.
  5. Send offers 2457213
  6. This house last sold for 10 million
  7. One of the 3 don’t have a owner suggest just contact gov about them
  8. 3 separate locations.
  9. I perfectly understand but from a perspective wouldn’t you doo that first before making a final offer. So it wouldn’t lead to complications?
  10. Brudda how you gonna agree on something them try to drop it again? Asking someone it’s their personal opinion 1g goo between those prices matters on the location.
  11. Yea I know but I would pass on that one.
  12. I won’t unless the other guy interested in buying
  13. Bet Brudda shoot a text 2457-213 when ready
  14. Probs just got removed of the market been over 3 days.
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