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Dmitrij Nagiev

Hit registration bug

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Date and time (provide timezone): 2018-08-04 22:37 EEST

Character name: Dmitrij Nagiev

Issue/bug you are reporting: looks like a hit registration bug, I have good internet and a decent PC but when I always have a shootout I hit people but they don't die. And as you can see in the video the internet is not lagging, my friend is running around fine.

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 Hey @Dmitrij Nagiev , this is, unfortunately, Rage MP desync. It's still in development of course, and until they manage to sync everything perfectly,, you simply will need to adapt to lag shooting. I'll show you a video from SA-MP to demonstrate what I mean by lag shooting. The concept of lag shooting also applies to the car, when you PIT a car, you'd realistically aim for the rear-right or left side of a car, but on Rage, you don't connect with the car, depending on your ping and the player's ping, you aim somewhere behind the car. It took SA-MP quite some years to fix the shooting sync to be 'perfect', we can only hope it takes a bit faster for the Rage MP Development team.



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9 hours ago, F@therOsborn said:

 Hey @Dmitrij Nagiev , this is, unfortunately, Rage MP desync. It's still in development of course, and until they manage to sync everything perfectly,, you simply will need to adapt to lag shooting. I'll show you a video from SA-MP to demonstrate what I mean by lag shooting. The concept of lag shooting also applies to the car, when you PIT a car, you'd realistically aim for the rear-right or left side of a car, but on Rage, you don't connect with the car, depending on your ping and the player's ping, you aim somewhere behind the car. It took SA-MP quite some years to fix the shooting sync to be 'perfect', we can only hope it takes a bit faster for the Rage MP Development team.



My friend also said that I was just standing there and not shooting...

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