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Ability to change hotkeys

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So it's my first time in-game today and one thing has caught my attention.

I propose that the hotkeys for example; 'N for push to talk' you should be able to change them freely, not sure how but it came to my attention. I have a problem with how you are not able to change the hotkeys which are implemented in-game. I try to bypass this by attempting to remap keys but I think this should be looked at.

I'm not sure if this has already been suggested or if there is a reason why this hasn't been looked at.

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If it's possible, I support this. I would love to be able to change the hotkey for VOIP.

Perhaps just make it a text command 
/hotkey [voice1] [key] - For Local VOIP
/hotkey [voice2] [key] - For Radio VOIP

If you @Daryl98 manage to find an efficient way to remap keys with a program whatnot, I'd love to get some help. I tried autohotkey but couldn't figure out how to make it hold down N when pressing another key and release N when I release that other key. It kept holding down N for me until I shut down the autohotkey script. 


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On 6/18/2018 at 4:37 AM, FatherOsbornHD said:

If it's possible, I support this. I would love to be able to change the hotkey for VOIP.

Perhaps just make it a text command 
/hotkey [voice1] [key] - For Local VOIP
/hotkey [voice2] [key] - For Radio VOIP

If you @Daryl98 manage to find an efficient way to remap keys with a program whatnot, I'd love to get some help. I tried autohotkey but couldn't figure out how to make it hold down N when pressing another key and release N when I release that other key. It kept holding down N for me until I shut down the autohotkey script. 


Eh, I'll send you a code it's easy lol

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This is what I gave The Rebels and it seems to work for all of them. 

**Everyone try and get AHK. This will allow you to change the N and M buttons to something else.  If you rebind to your mouse 4 and 5 buttons then you are able to run, move, communicate and aim freely**

**Use the below thread for more information.**

1. Download AHK https://www.autohotkey.com/
2. Right-click desktop - new - AutoHotKey Script 
3. Right-click the newly created document and click edit script
4. Copy and paste this below into the text box





5. Make sure to run as admin.


Edited by padpilot
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On 7/23/2019 at 9:54 AM, padpilot said:

This is what I gave The Rebels and it seems to work for all of them. 

**Everyone try and get AHK. This will allow you to change the N and M buttons to something else.  If you rebind to your mouse 4 and 5 buttons then you are able to run, move, communicate and aim freely**

**Use the below thread for more information.**

1. Download AHK https://www.autohotkey.com/
2. Right-click desktop - new - AutoHotKey Script 
3. Right-click the newly created document and click edit script
4. Copy and paste this below into the text box




#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#IfWinActive RAGE Multiplayer





5. Make sure to run as admin.


hey man i tried this 

but it's not working in game 

why ? 

i tried 

run as admin 

nothing , can you help me ?

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