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Suggestion #1:
Faction Management Team and proper regulation of factions and illegal weapon distribution. Official and Unofficial factions.

There should be a faction management team to regulate the factions in the server. Every faction must start off first as an UNOFFICIAL faction. Which means they must prove their worth to be an OFFICIAL FACTION and this is the only time they will have warehouse privilages in ordering illegal weapons. To be an OFFICIAL faction, they must show an activity in the game as well as in their forum thread ((posting screenshots of RP)). They must also be a good role model to the community in order to increase the RP level of the server. Which means there's no rule breaking in their faction/members. If there are, it should be justifiable/minimal.

The Faction Management Team must monitor these factions. If they are active, properly following the server and faction rules. If a particular faction is rule breaking, or their members are breaking the rules of the server, they should get demerits by the Faction Management Team and if ever received 3 or 5 demerits (depends on you), their faction shall be subjected to shutdown. (Or whatever the faction management has decided). More rules shall be implemented if this will be approved.

Reason for suggesting:
This will greatly improve the server’s reputation in terms of roleplaying and factions. Through all the RP servers I’ve been through these past 5 years (from SAMP to here).  I’ve learned enough that factions greatly influence the server’s RP and reputation of the server. We might aswell get more players to come. 

I know most people would disagree on the official and unofficial rule, but I know this will be effective in terms of regulation of exclusive weapons in game.


Suggestion #4:
Removing turfs of those INACTIVE factions or closing of Inactive factions after notifications.

There's a lot of faction in the server, and most of posted thread in the forum are I suppose INACTIVE. Their thread isn't being updated, no screenshot of role plays to show their activity, and I think most of them - I cannot see in game. 
The rule is if a faction is inactive for 1-2 weeks, or a month - the leader must be notified if they are still active. If still not, then that's the time the faction management team must close the faction, and remove their privileges such as turfs and warehouses.

Reason for suggesting:
Honestly, there's a lot of TURFS which are controlled by INACTIVE faction in the server. Which I think is dumb, considering there's a lot of faction which are more active than them.

This shall help in regulating the faction, proper monitoring. We consider these factions (including LSPD) as role models of the community. So, if they are inactive, bad RP'ers, and whatsoever, how do you think other player would act in game? 
This is subject for further discussion if you would like. I am also open to more ideas if this is approve by the Head of Administrators/Founders. I have so much experience from my past few years of Roleplaying and I think I can contribute to few rules/implementations and other things that needs improvement which is for the betterment of the server.

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Great idea, but it is something the server and administration staff have been working on already. The delay with this being implemented, is due to us having a very small development team and the priority has been on the switch to RAGE and then fixing the bugs present in RAGE. 

 this is the post where it was previously announced. I dont know if they are still planning to do it in exactly the same way as described in that post or not, just wanted to let you know that this is something already in the works

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4 hours ago, GaiusTavi said:

Great idea, but it is something the server and administration staff have been working on already. The delay with this being implemented, is due to us having a very small development team and the priority has been on the switch to RAGE and then fixing the bugs present in RAGE. 

 this is the post where it was previously announced. I dont know if they are still planning to do it in exactly the same way as described in that post or not, just wanted to let you know that this is something already in the works

Alright. I see. Thanks for the heads up. But hopefully, the administration team could come up with a team that could monitor the factions INITIALLY. Until further updates is done. I think most of the staff including the support staffs is currently on “general” tasks. Hopefully, initially, they could come up with a team - which is temporary for now for the sake of getting the factions monitored continously. 

Edited by HighJack
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