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Charlie Mchoe

Rental cars around the city.

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How it would work:

Low end cars would be parked up next to populated areas, once you hop in the car you have an option to /rent, once the player gets out of the car he will have an option to "Keep renting" or "stop renting". "Keep renting" will keep the car exactly how it is until a timer is up, once the timer is up it will go back to the original place the car was taken from.  "Stop renting" Will take the car back to its original location. The renting system could be a 1 time payment or it could work like a taxi fee, paying per Kilometre. Some of the locations where the cars could be placed are city bank, Central MD, Pillbox MD, Paleto MD, Paleto Bank, Sandy MD, Chumash and the pier. 


Not allowed to be currently wanted to rent a vehicle.

If the player has any fines above 1000$ they cannot rent a vehicle. 

Player must have a valid drivers license.

Once a player rents the vehicle it is rented in their name so if they do illegal things cops can link the car back to the player.


Saves players having to run to their desired location if there are no taxis online and/or no city bees. 

Could possibly bring a scripted job. Instead of the vehicles being teleported back to their position a player could go and retrieve the vehicle from where it was left.

Possible problems

Players using the vehicles for a malicious intent such as VDM.

If the scripted job feature was added players might not work at the job leaving cars scattered over the city. (This could be fixed by adding a timer to the recall system where if a car is not collected for a certain amount of time it will get teleported back to its original location.

Cars which get teleported back could interfere with other players cars which they decided to park in the exact spot of where it gets teleported. (This could be fixed by making the cars not interact with other vehicles)


No idea if this is a good suggestion or not but thought I'd post it anyway

Edited by Charlie Mchoe
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