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Stunts shouldn't be a fail-RP

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Dear Eclipse-RP Staff:

I'll start this off saying thank you for maintaining the server and updating it I love you all for it
I apologize for any English Grammar mistakes I may make as English isn't my native language.

I've wanted to talk about the issue of stunts as fail-rp.

The major reason of stunts being a fail rp is that you can't just choose that your character is
practiced in stunts even though the game mechanics allow it.

I would counter this argument by saying that shooting works in parallel.
If I'm getting chased by a group of gangsters and I'm stopping for a gun
shoot-out my chance of winning are slim, due to the fact that I am a guy with no
experience with guns and I'm being chased by a group of scary people my chances of not
shaking and being able to use the gun are small.

If I'm not wrong most of Europeans aren't allowed to use guns and buy guns meaning that if your character
isn't from the U.S.A or Canada he may never even used a gun. A pistol requires correct standing steady aims 
and a cocking action, while holding your pistol in an incorrect way of putting your thumb on the back on it you
can break it from the semi-mechanism thus we take as obvious that our player is trained in guns and the aim of the
actual ooc guy behind the screen is what matters.

Another argument would be that stunts are risky, stunts are unnecessary and are just a risk of life.

I will give a situation to prove that stunts aren't risky and why they should be allowed.
Let's have a situation of a Bati Motorcycle being chased by an Adder driven by an armed guy.
Obviously the Adder has a better max speed and acceleration and is just better for speed
in this kind a situation IRL the chased is knowing in 100% that his fate is ending up dead, kidnapped, etc.
The Bati is spotting a ramp in the side of the road that could send him to another street that will take the Adder
another 5 seconds to get to if he wont take the ramp or wont succeed jumping it. For the Bati the situation is 
already a life risk he is in danger and desperate for help risking his life right now in a ramp gives him more chance
of surviving then there is without that ramp. 

Another argument will be that 9/10 of the people wouldn't succeed pulling those stunts 
because they require practice.

This argument is completely true, no doubt about it stunts requires skill but there's a big "but"!
Can everybody pull 3 one taps with a pistol against other people? no. most of the people wouldn't
be able to pull one but we won't accuse the shooter for being a fail-rp because he is good at shooting
we will greet him (hopefully if we aren't salty af) for his skills and move on. You don't ban being good

My point here is that you can't go to one subject and because you aren't good in it say it is fail-rp
this is a suppressing action against the one that practices and works hard in order to be good in the game
I get that this isn't a skill based game and It is a roleplay server but! In situations that requires skill you can't
help the weak stating that the good doesn't deserve what he did the good worked in order to get to his point of skill
and helping the weak because he is weak is just ridiculous. If you'd only help the weak (the one without skill) it will end
up being a game of who's got more money and who's got the fastest car.. that just makes the game a money farming game
and takes all the fun aspects of it


I hope you have enjoyed my writing and thanks for reading.

TLDR; banning stunts are banning skill it is just like banning drifts or aim
and the only thing it does is make the true money farmer win with the fastest car
and not the one who's actually good

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With the current game mechanics, you can fall from the maximum height possible and smash into concrete and not lose a sliver of health and your car doesn't get damaged more than 200-300 points at most. This rule is there for a reason.

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