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Screwface Capital

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November 2023…

An off-grid plane lands at Sandy Shores Airfield. Off steps two men. Screwface was back. Jimmy & Reece had spent over two years out of San Andreas, it was surreal to be back. Now stronger and more dangerous than ever, Screwface no longer had to hide. Screwface became powerful. Assertive. Wealthy. Two organised crime syndicates now at the top of their game. However, a lot had changed since they’d last been here. Many newer, more youthful gangs had been running the city, many people who they hadn’t heard of.


The partners in crime began their venture back to Los Santos. Once back in the city, the pair pulled up to their HQ, once thriving with life, now in a silent state. Although it seemed unusual, they knew it wouldn't be quiet for long. Jimmy twisted the key in the door and unlocked the HQ while Reece parked the vehicles. Once inside, Reece flicked the light switch, the HQ fired into life. The bar illuminated the room, while the space was filled with chimes similar to a Las Vegas casino, as their slot machines woke themselves up for what felt like forever. Everything was exactly how they left it. Now all it needed was a few more bodies. 


The pair set about delivering notes via mules to old existing members of Screwface in order to inform them of their presence. The assignment was understood. Within a matter of days, a meeting was arranged at Vinewood lake, a sense of jubilation and rejoice. Screwface was back on the map. The members who remained in Los Santos informed their boss of the changes to the city and what had happened. A twinkle in Jimmy’s eye was noticed, and the entire group knew the city was there for the taking.


Edited by Weecey
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Jimmy showed me the ropes, taking me on a tour of the city, showing me where I can consider safe and where is dangerous. While I was finding my feet, Jimmy allowed me to stay in his gang HQ. Sleeping rough on a sofa in the property. I quickly met Reece, the vigilante of the gang. I met him via the gang HQ, he was an active leader and often spent fitting out the gang HQ and managing the organisations finances.  He was very welcoming, just like Jimmy had been. They offered me keys to all of their cars and trusted me with their vehicles. I was seen as one of them, I felt involved. 


A few days later, Jimmy took me out to dabble in my first criminal activities, he showed me the local drug labs that often had been contested. He showed me how to make cocaine and for the next couple of days, we made mass amounts of drugs and when it came to selling them at a local dealer, I was surprised as Jimmy gave me all of the money, a way to find my feet. With the money I was able to buy my own vehicle and began getting to graft, I eventually got to a point where I was confident in my own ability and began running labs on my own. By the day I was doing myself and the gang leaders proud. They now began to let me run out with them, assisting them in their duties and with their members. 


After a few weeks, the leaders called me into their office in the HQ. I thought my time was up, I'd been sleeping rough in their for weeks. However what came up next took me by shock. Reece handed a key to me, and Jimmy informed me that it was a key to their property, and that they would like me in their organsation. I promised the two that they could put their trust in me and that I will not let them down. A smile appeared on both of their faces and Jimmy said "I know, Leon, we know you will be good for us".


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The time in which The Capital had been back in Los Santos had been a bittersweet reunion. While the organisation was thriving in most aspects of the criminal game, some areas had been misfiring. The leaders knew that this was something that had to be corrected sooner rather than later, so the pair set about rectifying these issues as fast as possible. This meant one thing, connecting with others and creating an alliance.

Jimmy had been out of the city for a long time and he knew a lot had changed, one of those things was acquiring some weaponry. He knew one gang that was open to bussines and that was The Lost MC. Jimmy and Leon set out to find someone from Lost who they could strike a deal with and put all conflict they had before in the past.


They were pointed to a man named John, the vice president. The capital explained our situation to John and were able to come to a fair deal. The arrangement was to exchange X amount of drugs for weaponry. Leon and Jimmy got to work cooking up the drugs and weighing up the right amount to bring back to The Lost, in return for something that was so vital to the advancement of The Capital.


A few days had passed and they met up with another member of Lost MC to hand over the drugs to them. Jimmy went on to tell them what type of weaponry they wanted and how much of it. Shortly after, an order was placed. 2 days later, Jimmy met up with John to receive his order and then went back to securely store his firepower. A crucial alliance had now formed and both respective gangs had been doing one another a favour. Over the coming weeks, the relationship with The Lost MC grew, as John had now gained trust in The Capital and they continued to supply drugs and stick to their end of the bargain.


Weapons are now flowing freely into the Capital’s safe storage facilities. And firepower is now no longer a scarce concern. The relationship with The Lost MC remains stronger than ever and the leaders are proving even more confident that their malicious plan is falling more into action and becoming a reality…

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After months of planning and preparation behind the scenes, The Capital are ready to launch their Mastermind plan into full action. While Jimmy and his boys had been out sealing deals with gunrunners in the city, spending money and importing weapons to their safe storage. Reece had quite a different job, it relied on him sitting at a computer, preparing a very sinister website on the world renowned, Dark Web. 

A new website was to launch, where the The Capital would be selling weapons across the world, via one click of a button. Months of preparation had took place in order to ensure everything was ready for the grand reveal, guns had been stock piled in warehouses across the world, for residents of Los Santos, Europe, South America... basically anywhere they wanted. Whenever a order was to be placed, Capital's massive network of staff would be out within 24 hours to fulfill them orders. wherever in the world it would be. Jimmy & Reece had hired a team of shot callers in every continent in the world, to run the operations on their behalf. While Reece & Jimmy put the main focus on providing Los Santos with everything they needed.

This had been the plan all along, Cayo Perico for two years, in order to set up links wherever they needed it, in order to make sure their new cash cow worked flawlessly. Now the dust had settled, the website was one click away from going live to millions of criminals around the world. A gap in the market truly found, destined for success. As the pair stood over a laptop in their HQ, it was go time. 

As Reece hit the button to send this system live, it pinged to the top of the Dark Web Directory. Within minutes, anonymous users were exploring the pages. Thousands of people, scrambling across a service which had never been offered before which such ease and security. The pair looked on in disbelief, as the floodgates had just opened on their future. 






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After a successful launch of Capital Weapons on the Dark Web. The team had been eager to see how the website had performed for criminals across the world. Jimmy and Reece had regrouped in the HQ in order to see the numbers, The pair crowded around a laptop in their office and opened the admin section of their new page. 

It had been a success. The numbers of viewers to the page had soared far beyond expectations and many orders had already been placed across many continents and countries of the world. Many of this orders had already been processed and sent out for hand delivery by Capital Mules & Traders. The leaders looked at one another in accomplishment, business was booming and the cash was flowing. 

Shortly after, Jimmy left the HQ to assist their staff in packaging orders in their local Los Santos Warehouses. While Reece continued to add the finishing touches to their new money maker. After small bug fixes and errors had been rectified, Reece left up the live analytic page on the TV in the office for all members of Screwface to see, a sense a celebration and excitement now thrived through the organisation, but this was only the beginning...


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With newer members approaching Jimmy & Reece, recruitment was well underway for The Capital. However, this opportunity didn’t come free for the Apprentices, they had to show the leaders that they can be trusted. That they honour The Capital over anything and anybody else. This is where Jimmy’s cunning plan came into full flow…


Neo, the newest member to Screwface Capital, was to be put through an initiation test. His closest friend, and partner in crime, Leon Gambino, would be the victim in the situation. Reece & Leon drove to an undisclosed location in order to set up, while Jimmy collected Neo, who was none the wiser.


When the pair arrived, they entered a room, and in front of Neo, was Leon, on his knees, pleading for forgiveness. This was all a setup, to see how Neo was about to react for his new bosses. A story was fabricated that Leon had been stealing drugs and weapons from the organisation and now he must pay the price. In Jimmy’s bag had been a pump shotgun, unloaded. Neo was to believe that he was going to shoot his best friend, however, the gun would not fire.


Jimmy reached into the bag after a long back and forth, and ordered Neo to shoot and kill his friend for The Capital. In heartbreak and despair, Neo took a while and a small bit of hesitation. A few words later and the trigger was pulled, the gun clicked and Neo was confused. 


A grin struck across the face of both Jimmy, Reece & Leon, as they knew Neo had passed the test… Jimmy congratulated Neo and a warm embrace began, the situation was diffused and explained to Neo. He understood the assignment issued by his leaders, and passed the true test of trust. With that, he was welcomed into the gang on a permanent basis, now rolling frequently with Screwface.


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Another day, another drop. With the launch of Capital Weapons going so well, there was a high demand for weapons in the city of Los Santos. So much that Screwface had been overwhelmed. With this, the weapons that Capital had made in their own gunsmith facilities had become low and production could not keep up with the demand for the San Andreas region. It was time to call in a favour, Jimmy had taken a visit to Lost MC, and explained their situation to them, informing them that they needed an influx of Pistol .50s to satisfy their customers. The Lost MC understood their needs and due to the ongoing growing relationship between the two organisations, Lost MC had been happy to help.

A few hours later, The Lost MCs plug was spotted in a plane over Blaine County where a flare and the Capital leaders had been waiting. The partners waited for the crate to touchdown, waited a small amount of time and moved in to capture their weapons. Reece loaded the crates into the back of the Kamacho while Jimmy was waiting to dash with the goods. Once loaded, Jimmy had verbally informed Reece to meet up elsewhere, where they could count their new inventory and let any potential heat settle down.

Around 30 minutes later, the pair met back up in an undisclosed location in Vinewood. Here they counted all the weapons and ensured they got everything they paid for. Once confirmed, the boys separated the weapons into two vehicles, to mitigate any chance at a loss. And set about distributing the weapons into multiple of their warehouses for keepsafe and sale to the criminals of Los Santos.

Pistols had been the biggest demand of Capital Weapons so far, and a helping hand from an organisation had fixed this small crisis. The Capital now had enough weapons to sell to the general public, and cash flow into the organisation could continue again in full flow. The following morning, Capitals traders’ hit the streets again with the weapons to confirm delivery from clients who had ordered over the Capital Web. All eyes had now been on the Cargo Ship that was docking into the shore of Los Santos a week later, the cargo ship had something very precious on it, being thousands of their weapons which would stock all of their warehouses in Los Santos straight from Cayo Perico.



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The curtains are drawn back to a snowy Los Santos, a recent storm whipping up a blizzard in the city had caused a lot of disruption and panic. But not for The Capital, a blanket of white snow made no difference to them, all of the members got themselves wrapped up and out the door early. It was a big day for the organisation, the cargo ship containing their influx of weapons from Cayo Perico had just docked and was beginning to unload their cargo. The biggest concern… if they’d make it through the border successfully with the workarounds they had attempted.


Their staff in Cayo Perico had stuffed all the weapons into the bottom of multiple crates and lined the top of the crate with thick lead. Lead has been a proven prevention method of x-ray vision. Due to their connections in Cayo Perico, the weapons had not had to pass any border force, Los Santos would be the first. Surveillance was carried out by The Capital and they knew that the x-ray cameras had been located on the top of the gantry of the lifting cranes. As long as the weapons didn’t flag up here, their cargo will be safe.

At 7:30AM the gang arrived at the Docks, Jimmy had sent in their newest member to fill out the details and ensure the drop wasn’t compromised. After 15 minutes, he emerged from the main office informing his allies that they had given him a plot number and a map of the docks. They all jumped in the vehicles, cleared themselves through Dockland Security, and headed straight to their container, which was now on the ground.

Upon arrival, it was silent, nobody around and everything looked clear. Reece headed over to the container with a pair of bolt cutters, cut the lock to the container and pried the doors open. The rest of the members had been waiting in their vehicles. As he peered inside, he was met with a full 40ft container, stacked to the roof, full of their crates. Every crate was still sealed how they were told it would be, nothing was opened, locks intact. They’d bypassed the border control… Reece called his members to inform them of the success and they all assisted in loading the cargo into multiple vehicles. Once loaded, they all departed the docks, and took their weapons to multiple warehouses to unbox.

Once completed, Reece gathered the members around to inform them about Capital Weapons new loyalty scheme. The launching of loyalty cards were to be dished out around Los Santos. These cards offered returning members a gift for loyalty. With every 5 transactions, customers would be given a free .50 as a thank you. Traders had been informed that this process was to be started immediately and all customers who purchase from the organisation should be given one. Each time of delivery, a stamp would be stamped on the card, once completed customers could claim their free weapon. This was just the start of the Capital giving back to their customers.


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The snow kept falling in Los Santos and work was still being completed. The Capital’s presence in the city had now become noticed by other organisations. A select few disgruntled by the activity of The Capital. Grove Street Thugs the unhappiest. The Capital and GST both populate the same road in Los Santos, and high command in GST had been unhappy with the presence of The Capital. GST had began to launch attacks against the members and base of operations of Screwface, in an attempt to move them off the street. But every member stood strong and stuck to their tasks. Screwface members stayed alert throughout this phase and never got caught once by the rival organisation.
The situation began to escalate, as GST had begun frequently attempting raids on Screwface’s base of operations and on vehicles located on the premises. Attempts had been made to block members in at the HQ and to apprehend them, while they also tried to steal and lockpick vehicles left on the property. This was all done in an attempt to make The Capital collapse and give up the fight. But that was far from what was to happen.


Screwface’s base of operations and on vehicles located on the premises. Attempts had been made to block members in at the HQ and to apprehend them, while they also tried to steal and lockpick vehicles left on the property. This was all done in an attempt to make The Capital collapse and give up the fight. But that was far from what was to happen.


Another morning in Los Santos and Reece drives to the base of operations. To his surprise, every vehicle inside the property gates has been burnt out and destroyed. Left was a smouldering fire in its wake, he’d known exactly why this was done and knew that the organisation now had to act on the attacks. Himself and Jimmy would call an emergency gang meeting to discuss the ongoing forced conflict from GST. In the meeting a plan had been set out to defend themselves, and every member knew the opportunity to strike.

A few days later, Reece was at the HQ when he saw a member of GST running behind the property on his own. Reece quickly radioed for backup and himself and Jimmy waited for the member to leave the street and took their opportunity to pounce. Jimmy had caught the member lacking in the rear of a property on Grove Street. With the street empty and only one GST member present, they robbed the member and informed them to never attempt to push conflict on the organisation again.

They left in both of their vehicles unharmed and unscathed.


Edited by KCAJ
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