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Roleplay Quiz Questions

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Hello fellow community members, recently our numbers have grown and a lot of new players have joined us. Unfortunately some of them do not understand the concept of roleplay, therefore we would like to ask you to spare a few moments of your time and submit some questions for the roleplay quiz (the quiz that is given to every new player at the beginning). We expect to collect a total of at least 40 questions and give new players a randomized set. The purpose is to make the roleplay quiz a little more complex, because the current version was built to be very basic and is no longer suitable.


Submission Content

  • A question related to the rules of the server or general concept of roleplay, use of roleplay commands;
  • 4 possible answers (the correct answer shouldn't be 100% obvious, other questions may be partially correct - worth less points);
  • Explanation for the correct answer, which could be put on the forums for new players to use as learning material (ex.: /me command is used in situations when..., the correct usage of /do is...).

The submissions can be done in this topic. Please do not post here anything other than question submissions! Thank you for contributing your time to make Eclipse a friendlier place!

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You were runing from police and your 4 tires were shot, your car is smoking, you:

A: Keep driving untill it explodes, but before that exit the car and try to run on foot

B: Stop and surrender

C: Try to ram police cars so you would push them either from the force of hopefully a desynch

D: Pull over and try to steal police car by throwing one out (GTA)

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When is the "New Life Rule" applied?

  1. When you Character Kill
  2. When you Name Change
  3. When you are Player Killed
  4. When the server restarts


(NLR) New Life Rule

The new life rule is applied once you die and respawn at the hospital, the reason of death is irrelevant. Being injured is not considered as dying and being revived by a medic does not trigger the new life rule. Once you die, there are a few rules to be followed...

  1. You lose any in-character reason to take hostile action against your assailants.
  2. You cannot come back to the area of your death for the next 15 minutes after you respawn. An exception may be applied if the party responsible for your death has cleared the area before the NLR timer has expired
  3. After the NLR rule is triggered, you cannot provoke or take any hostile actions against the party responsible for your death for 30 minutes!
  4. Criminal charges set before your death are not affected by the NLR rule!

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When you post a faction application on the forums for example LSPD you:

A: Go to the police station ingame and ask everyone to check the application in voice chat.

B: Do the pm's to all the leaders on the forums that you could find

C: Pm admins and wait for their response

D: PM your friends and encourage them to apply as well.

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Here's two questions off the top of my head, I'll add some more later. Hope they help.


You are driving your vehicle then hear sirens and see a police vehicle in your rear view mirror what should you do?

A1: Crash into them to try escape

A2: Logout to avoid arrest

A3: Drive to an ocean and swim underwater so they can't find you

A4: Pull over and speak with the officer.


While fishing you see a masked man pull out a gun, he points it to your head and tells you to put your hands up, how should you respond?

A1: Call 911 immediately

A2: Put your hands up and comply

A3: Run away to try avoid getting shot

A4: Insult the mugger to try provoke him

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How should you act if you crash your car into an obstacle or another player's car?


A) Ignore the incident and drive quickly away so that you both can continue your work / roleplaying.


B) Roleplay a realistic car crash with possible car / person injuries, notifying eventual ambulance / mechanic.


C) Tell in OOC that you are sorry and do /givemoney to make up for it.


D) Regardless of speed, car crashes are pointless and time consuming to roleplay, therefore you can drive away from it without breaking any server rules.

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When you finally bought a weapon without a license you:

A: Get outside and start robbing the first person you see and if he runs shoot him in the back

B: Try to avoid the police or any civilians noticing that you have it and use it for the purpose you bought it.

C: Go to the PD and ask for a licence.

D: You can kill anyone as you are powerful now and no admins stand in your way

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What is Roleplaying ?

A. When u dress up as a woman and your wife dresses as your man then you use 5inch width dildos on each others to pleasure yourself all night while your kids are drugged sleeping in the other room

B: When you are at your job and you need to act that you are doing something and actually you are just cutting your nails with office provides scisors and then going to smoke in the office toilet instead of using the balcony 5 meters away and blame it all on the new secretary.

C. When you disguise yourself as a janitor to enter the apartment of a hotel room to take pictures of naked other men wifes while their in the bathroom, then pleasure yourself in the lift while going down to increase the pleasure.

D: Roleplay is using /me, /do commands to describe the environment and your actions for better understanding of each other interactions between the players where GTA doesn't provide the animations or actions necessary to bring the game experience as close to real life as possible.

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Ps: Please make all of us do the test, there are already alot of players without the faintest idea what roleplaying is and what the difference between OOC and IC acctually are.

I actually agree with everyone having to do the quiz once at some point, after the community has matured a bit( as in player base and quantity of total non-rp-ers) and some proper role play guides have been provided for those that need and want them.

The success of the quiz would grant access to the server.

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The concept of this term that's you perform an action your character is incapable of.



Jack: Hey, come in my car let's go to my crib! You'll get some cash.

Peter: Uhm, okay... I'll come with you in if you...

Jack: No, Get in!


Jack: /me shows money to Peter

Jack: Hey come it will be my gift to you.

Peter: Nice, thank you.

Jack: /me grabs Peter and throws him into the car.

Jack: /me ties him.(edited)


Jack: Hey man! I am taxi driver with my own car, need a ride?

Peter: Well yes, i need.

Jack: /do Knife under the belt.

Jack: Come man, i will take you where you need. It is cheaper than Governments taxi.

Peter: *sits in back of Jack's car*

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Which one is the most suitable to use in the IC chat?


A) The server is under high latency tonight. I might disconnect while we drive to the police station.


B) Im looking 4 a house. Cuz my GF threw me out, lol, such BS, could u give me a ride?


C) I just arrived at the airport, looking to settle in america but first I need a drivers license, do you know the way?.


D) Hahaha x) you are such a funny guy xD we should become friends mate! =D

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How should you speak IC on the server?

A) No fukin prblm man.

B) no problem man

C) np man

D) No problem, man. (Correct)


(Feel like half the server use acronyms during IC conversations, and the spelling/capitalization/grammar is atrocious. I don't mean to be rude but if English isn't your first language, or you don't understand basic grammar/can't spell, then you should join a server that uses your first spoken language, just feels like I'm RP'ing with 9 year-olds sometimes).

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You are a truck driver, you see there is a truck or 2 outside the fuel depot and 2 or 3 inside. What do you do?


A. Ram the trucks outside.

B. Ignore the truck/s outside and go in.

C. Ignore the truck/s outside, go in and push one of the trucks that are in the circle, outside as you are in a hurry.

D. Park behind the truck/s waiting outside, because that is the waiting line.

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