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Lost carbine to misclick

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Date and time (provide timezone): 2 days ago

Character name: Cindy Savage

Issue/bug you are reporting: The officer who I was roleplaying with misclicked and killed me

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate



You can see the carbine at 0:15




I would like 1 carbine rifle with 160 rounds refunded (ammo can be seen top right start of video)

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3 hours ago, Osvaldon said:

This is not exactly a server bug and wouldn't your gun be confiscated either way as it's illegal?

It's not gonna get confiscated when my faction breaks me out on the way to the police station


Not only to save me but also a carbine with ammo worth 35k


It's not a server bug, I asked on the discord where to post it and they said here

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On 8/26/2017 at 4:40 PM, Magnolia said:

I also just remembered that I was also carrying 9 LSD, which I would like refunded as well

Ask the police officer for a compensation, I don't think that developers should be refunding players, if they die not because of a game bug, but other player's fault.

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