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Hey, I thought adding restaurants  will be a great update for this server because most people can work as cook as well as people can create more RP content and rich people can own these as a business. It will be a great change for the server, From the food and drinks from groceries to restaurants. 

Moreover more people can make new dishes other than that of grocery. It would be great to have the friends to hang around the restaurant having food. With all the new jobs regarding this will be controlled by the owner of the business. Can be scripted as well. 

Edited by Jessi
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1 hour ago, Bagacius said:

Yes , but I would like to see freelance chef job. Yeah you can get in player restaurant job position but they usually works only on weeknds for few hours.

I'd say, that is all up to the developers, keep in mind though, they have priorities.

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