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Bring Back ID MDC - Take Away name and number

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I understand that people are worried about metagaming peoples names. I personally don't see the point in metagaming, it's like cheating at monopoly, the win is no-where near as satisfying.

Can we not bring ID search back to MDC but make it so that it only show the criminal record, to allow for RP in Forensics and IB?
We rely on knowing they have Prints and DNA on file, lots of people don't know if they've had it taken or not or can lie and we wouldn't know if they do or don't.


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-1 As someone who has had my ID metagamed twice now in the past I'm glad this change has been put in place. IRL cops don't see numbers floating above people's heads they have to search for their ID.

15 minutes ago, arcangel said:

I personally don't see the point in metagaming, it's like cheating at monopoly, the win is no-where near as satisfying.

Completly agree, sadly as proven by a few past experiences not everyone agrees with this and metagaming using player ID's did happen and before anyone comes in saying "just report it" the problem there is metagaming is probably one of the hardest rule breaks to prove.

17 minutes ago, arcangel said:

We rely on knowing they have Prints and DNA on file, lots of people don't know if they've had it taken or not or can lie and we wouldn't know if they do or don't.

This sounds like an IC issue, guess what if someone doesn't know if they have prints and DNA IRL you ask their name and search it.

In the end I really don't see how ID search on MDC is needed, I keep hearing about "people just relog to change their ID to avoid an /ldo" yet having ID search on an MDC doesn't solve this, the same problem still exists with or without it. There's literally 0 reason for this feature to exist except encourage metagaming.

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I'm not sure if you understand what i'm saying.

Forensics and IB requires ID's to be able to do /ldo to see if evidence taken, matches the DNA at hand.
If ID 27 punches ID 30, ID 30 says, Yeah it was such and such. /b ID 27

There is no way for me to know if this person has DNA on file, it gives them three options. Lie in /ldo (Which i wouldn't be able to prove because i wouldnt know if they are), Be unsure about if they have their DNA taken, or three, tell me their IG name so that i can check, which makes the idea of stopping metgaming pointless.

IB and Forensics are now useless essentially.

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19 minutes ago, Ezrya said:

This sounds like an IC issue, guess what if someone doesn't know if they have prints and DNA IRL you ask their name and search it.

You retrieve fingerprints/DNA from a crime scene. It gets run through a database which leads you to their name.

Being part of a faction with access to MDC is a position of trust that's regulated by requiring you to demonstrate a commitment to RP, playing fair and acting in good faith.

Adherence to being truthful in /ldo is regulated by little more than the hope the player has read the server rules and follows them.

the risk of faction members MGing has been replaced with the risk of random players cheating.

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