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Lost my weapon permit

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Account name: lRoberth

Character name: Ruben Viareli

Issue/bug you are reporting:

My weapon permit got suspended for 7 days at 06/23/17, and I waited those 7 days to get my license back, but I never received it back, so then I called an admin through /admin, and they told me to make a post for requesting a refund, since that license supension system stills under development.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate:

Just get your license suspended by an officer, and it will never come back.

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1 hour ago, lRoberth said:

Account name: lRoberth

Character name: Ruben Viareli

Issue/bug you are reporting:

My weapon permit got suspended for 7 days at 06/23/17, and I waited those 7 days to get my license back, but I never received it back, so then I called an admin through /admin, and they told me to make a post for requesting a refund, since that license supension system stills under development.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate:

Just get your license suspended by an officer, and it will never come back.

It was not meant to come back after the suspension had ended under the old system of version 1.0.7, however the weapon permit has been lowered to $10.000 and suspension will no longer remove it from your possession since yesterday's version 1.0.8 update.

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