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/unequipgun command

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Does it make any realistic sense to have your gun dropped on the ground before you store it in your inventory? No. So /unequipgun is a perfect use to equip your gun and use that command which will display an animation as you're taking your gun and storing it in your inventory. So it facilitates the storing process of the gun in your vehicle. 

There are possible abuses sure. 

#1 unequiping your unlicensed gun in a chase and storing it in the vehicle. Well you can't unequip your gun while driving. 

#2 Same goes with passenger. 

Best use of the command is when you're on the ground and you have to keep your gun on your inventory not your equipped wheel. 

For any further arguments, edits please let me know in your replies. Maybe we get this feature done. 

Edited by Philo
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+1 on this, But I believe you should also be able to unequipt it in a car. (because realistically you could & would do that) If I'm being chased why wouldn't I put it in my glove box or throw it out the window to try and get out of a second charge? 

(I play as a cop, but still believe if I was a crim IRL with an unlicensed firearm, I'd do my best to hide/get rid of it before giving up on an evasion)

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5 minutes ago, Jones42 said:

+1 on this, But I believe you should also be able to unequipt it in a car. (because realistically you could & would do that) If I'm being chased why wouldn't I put it in my glove box or throw it out the window to try and get out of a second charge? 

(I play as a cop, but still believe if I was a crim IRL with an unlicensed firearm, I'd do my best to hide/get rid of it before giving up on an evasion)

Totally understand your point. But that would just decrease the chance of cops chasing someone with an AK on his back as he will get rid of it in a blink of an eye. It wouldn't be fair but still can be implemented if the community agrees on it. Realistically speaking you can unequip and open your window, throw your gun away. But that gun can get the cruisers behind you to desync into as they are indestructible collidable objects when dropped.

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