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Every time I get on the server and take the Driver's Test at the DMV, there come's a part where you get onto the highway and you drive between 70mph to 130 mph. Every time I get to that point of the test my game crashes every time. Does anyone else have this issue or know of a solution?

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Account name: Liam Qusta

Character name: Liam Qusta

Issue/bug you are reporting: Twice in a row GTA has crashed first while taking the theory test and secondly while driving the car in the actual test, just after I switched from 130 KPH zone back to the 70 KPH zone.

Evidence (optional): N/A

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Hey Liam. Game crashes are very common for everyone throughout the GT-MP Community, especially in Eclipse due to the heavy CEF-based script. As unfortunate as it is, there's no fix for it. Some days are better than others, but it's common to crash once every 15-20 minutes or sometimes less. It's unfortunate that it happens during your driver's test, but you just have to keep trying!

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