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Working TVs?

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Imagine a WORKING, FUNCTIONAL, Television!

How would this work? 

Well, I think our talented developers can make it work like speakers! instead a link to a radio station, Link to YouTube! think about it, YouTube has TV shows, funny personal, comedy shows, even free movies! so this would be perfect! But the only thing I think should be different about it compared to the speakers is it should be shared by everyone, meaning if you turn down the volume everyone has that volume, if you turn it off, then everyone has it off (TBH the speakers should do the same , more realistic) also, when you do it, there should me a /me there automatically saying (name) has turned down the volume to (volume level) or if they turned it to it will say (name) has turned the TV off. Or if its off and you turn it to a volume it will say (name) has turned the TV on, (volume level)



/TV(id)(volume setting) to set the volume, turn off TV, or turn on TV

/TVpickup- to pick up the TV

/TV(ID)(YouTube link)- to set the Channel ((the video for whatever))



I think it should be expensive, this is a really cool feature and item, i believe it should be more then the computer, so i say 75,000$


I plan on editing this and adding more to it and more genres and sub genres, i wanna hear what you guys gotta add, lets make this happen together! I thin this is already really good and we can do it now! but i am gonna edit this frequently when i come up with more if it makes it better! you lads help out too! again i don't think we have to add anything i think we did it from here!  What do ya'll think of my idea?

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