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Can't see anyone in game, teleporting cars, can hear sounds

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Account name: ImperialSwag

Character name: Gregory Johnson

Issue/bug you are reporting: Whenever I join the game I get a lot of errors then when I go in game I can't see anyone and there are rarely cars passing by teleporting but I can hear people talk and I can see the chat without any lag. Lord Pepe already witnessed my problem in game. I also don't have any icons on the map and I don't get paid when I finish a job.

Evidence (optional): http://prntscr.com/ffc868





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Hello, you could try this:


This apparently happens to players in the area of Turkey. It can be fixed by changing your Unicode Programming Language in settings to English (this is in your Windows settings - Google for more info). (Already helped this player out, resolved and locked)
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Hello, you could try this:

Awesome, this worked for me. What I did was, for my Turkish friends, was opening the control panel and going to region and language, changing my region to United States and my language to English (United States), then restarting my pc. After that all the problems were solved and I was able to play without any issue so far.

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