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The new map and gps, allow us to use them....

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The new map and gps system is just a recipe for toxic disaster. All it is going to be is people robbing and stealing them for no reason just to spite people...  It just seems like another way to inconvenience civs for the rampant robberies... 

My suggestion is that we are allowed to memorize a map, and install a GPS in the car... so the escape map would work always and the minimap would only work in a vehicle with it installed (like the phone charger)

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2 hours ago, Wizzidy said:

The new map and gps system is just a recipe for toxic disaster. All it is going to be is people robbing and stealing them for no reason just to spite people...  It just seems like another way to inconvenience civs for the rampant robberies... 

My suggestion is that we are allowed to memorize a map, and install a GPS in the car... so the escape map would work always and the minimap would only work in a vehicle with it installed (like the phone charger)

It's less of a reason to spite people and more of a reason to add progression. You'd never say "Well let's remove cars because people are just going to steal them, make them free from now on." We want our players to start at the bottom and work to the top. Having a GPS and Map is a way to help facilitate that type of progression. There also needs to be more money sinks and more things to LOSE in the game, so you have MORE of a reason to value your life. We need people to value their life so that it makes the act of killing another player more meaningful within the game. We just recently increased jail timers so we'll see less deaths, but we don't want Civ's to be immune to criminals all together, this is one way to make death in the server matter a little bit more while also adding another dimension of progression.

Also, this rewards players who know and understand the map to begin with, which feels good to those players. The less things that are handed to you on a silver platter the more space you have for development. Fun originates from the mastering of a skill, and in this instance the skill is understanding the map (and not getting lost).

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2 hours ago, Wizzidy said:

The new map and gps system is just a recipe for toxic disaster. All it is going to be is people robbing and stealing them for no reason just to spite people...  It just seems like another way to inconvenience civs for the rampant robberies... 

My suggestion is that we are allowed to memorize a map, and install a GPS in the car... so the escape map would work always and the minimap would only work in a vehicle with it installed (like the phone charger)

This thing should be also lift or connected with phone - you buy new GPS and connect it with phone if your battery is out and phone off you would not be able to see Map . 

Or if someone take's your phone away also you lose your chance to see GPS signal . 

About the cars yea would be cool if you just put it into it and its stay's there just like the charger long time ago I think was the same ! 

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2 hours ago, Alverin said:

It's less of a reason to spite people and more of a reason to add progression. You'd never say "Well let's remove cars because people are just going to steal them, make them free from now on." We want our players to start at the bottom and work to the top. Having a GPS and Map is a way to help facilitate that type of progression. There also needs to be more money sinks and more things to LOSE in the game, so you have MORE of a reason to value your life. We need people to value their life so that it makes the act of killing another player more meaningful within the game. We just recently increased jail timers so we'll see less deaths, but we don't want Civ's to be immune to criminals all together, this is one way to make death in the server matter a little bit more while also adding another dimension of progression.

Also, this rewards players who know and understand the map to begin with, which feels good to those players. The less things that are handed to you on a silver platter the more space you have for development. Fun originates from the mastering of a skill, and in this instance the skill is understanding the map (and not getting lost).

Its less that, and more people robbing for the sake of inconvenience. I am not saying make the map and gps not a thing, I think its cool, but having to carry it as an item in your inventory means it is A: an inconvenience to jobs like mining and fishing, and B: just a target for troll thievery... make it an item like the phone battery, still there but not in your 50 slot inventory.... connect it to the phone or somthing... your telling me I have a phone with a bank transfer app, but I dont have a gps on it? Or local map?

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3 hours ago, Wizzidy said:

Its less that, and more people robbing for the sake of inconvenience. I am not saying make the map and gps not a thing, I think its cool, but having to carry it as an item in your inventory means it is A: an inconvenience to jobs like mining and fishing, and B: just a target for troll thievery... make it an item like the phone battery, still there but not in your 50 slot inventory.... connect it to the phone or somthing... your telling me I have a phone with a bank transfer app, but I dont have a gps on it? Or local map?

There are plenty of things in the game that don't make /realistic/ sense but they make game balance sense. This is part of playing a game however. One glaring one is the fact that while you're speeding in a car that you stole you somehow get tickets issued to you. I'm sure you can figure out why we allow this to be the case. However with the GPS and Map, do you think you'd still be calling it an inconvenience if it wasn't a part of the original game and instead was a feature added? Imagine GTA 5 didn't have a GPS or Map system and NBDY himself added these things to the game with the clause that you had to buy them from the store. Would you be grateful? It's impossible to say but fun to ponder. I personally believe the way we're interpreting the change seems to be a punishment instead of a reward, and the interferes with the rational assessment of how the game should be changed to create an immersive and challenging experience.

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