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Can't connect to the server

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Account name: WillVII

Character name: can't actually get on so can't say

Issue/bug you are reporting: When I direct connect to the server, it just tells me there's no response from the remote host and won't let me play. I thought it's maybe because you need to make a character on here first, but that doesn't add up as I can't find anything to do that and i was given the server info straight away.

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Hello guys, I'm a new player and I really want to start playing on this server. I like the idea of GTA V RP and I would love to give it a try, but theres one thing that keeps me back from doing that.


I've been replying to an existing thread but no one seems to be looking over that, so I decided to create a new thread instead.


I've reinstalled the game and gta network multiple times for the past 12 hours. Whenever I try to connect to the server it keeps getting me to the main page of the application saying no response from the remote host. I tried everything, I googled it, it doesn't work.


I'm really sorry for creating another thread for the same issue but on the other one it seems like no one is answering and I really want this fix if you guys can help me.


Thank you so much for reading my post and I will wait for your reply,



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