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Pain killers

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First of all, I want to say thank you for the updates. The food and water implementation was a little shaky at first but with a few minor adjustments, it leveled out pretty well to the point where it makes sense. The only thing I want to mention is it's counteraction against drugs and overall tactical game play.

Currently, food only heals you up to 80-90% if you're almost full on both food and water. While that's fine, currently we have to rely on MD to get the other 10% of our health back. Normally, that wouldn't be an issue, but it does remove the ability to use drugs in a tactical way. For example, Cocaine, heroin or any drug that gives you armor becomes useless when it comes to getting that tiny bit of armor. See before, we could counteract the drugs side effects by eating the rest of our HP back and being able to use that slight armor in combat made the drug useful beyond the means of party RP or selling it to the drop off point. The bit of armor it gives isn't that big of a deal but it's still an added bonus. The current system disallows this and I propose a way for us to gain that extra 10% HP back, perhaps some type of pain killer as an addition to the convenience stores. These pain killers will only heal a maximum of 10% HP and has a timer and/or longer animation to prevent spamming them during combat situations. This way, it would serve as a means to heal once combat has ended and considering full food and water heals you to about 90% over time anyway, it would be pointless to use as a replacement healing agent. 

I want to also mention, I'm not trying to take away any responsibility from MD at all, but I can also see people constantly calling up and/or going to MD for 10% HP can get annoying out of 200+ players. This will lighten that load a bit and make things less tedious for them as well.  


Edited by MrUntouchable215
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