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Dr. Mantis Toboggan MD

New players and survival expenses

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I wanted to throw my 2 cents in the ring.

Update is pretty dope I like the idea of adding some more variables in the city. 

However outside of what has already been discussed. I.e. dehydration happening to fast, over priced food. 

one topic i think we should discuss is how hard it will be for new players to survive in the city with paying 1k for water 1k for food and relying on govt. income while they learn about the city. 

any thoughts ?

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The government income shouldn't a replacement for a steady job or criminal enterprise, I'd like to see numbers tweaked so that say 40% of your government paycheck is used on sustaining yourself, obviously as your wealth increases the amount you receive in your paycheck gets reduced so for the top tier bracket (players who own 1m+ worth of assets) the percentage used to sustain yourself increases to closer 80% of your paycheck. 

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The government check is considered welfare so it should be able cover food/drink costs for low wealth and new players.

The only issue with it is once the bank closes, have fun trying to survive till it opens since you can't get your salary.

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