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Property main doors bugged

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Date and time (provide timezone):  17/05/2019 11PM UTC

Character name:  Silas Debose

Issue/bug you are reporting:  yesterday we made a club opening. So the case is like after one hour our property doors got bugged and couldnt enter or even lock it and the people who wanted to get out of property came to doors while trying to leave was falling under the map and later on spawning in the middle of the street

Expected behavior:  

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicatehttps://plays.tv/video/5ce046a364584d7346/proof-of-bug

Edited by Pvle
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Bug that caused this is fixed and the entrance position has been reverted. Entrance will be fully functional after a server restart. Players experiencing identical issues with their properties should read the latest #development message on our Discord.

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