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Negative balance bugs + Getting charged twice in rentable car

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Your player name: Daniel Herbwitz

Issue/bug you are reporting:

Regarding rentable cars:

  • I was riding around in a rentable car with $0 pocket money and $0 bank balance, when I exit it I found out that I got charged both in the pocket money and the bank money, resulting in both a negative bank balance as well as negative pocket balance. (Effectively got charged twice)
  • After driving around some more, I noticed even bigger increases! For instance, I rode just a couple of meters and got charged 250$ in the bank and 250$ in the pocket!
  • I'm not sure if the above are bugs or intended(some sort of penalty or overdraft fee), if so, it should be documented somewhere.

Regarding ATM interactions:

  • I found out that I can deposit negative pocket money into the bank, via the 'Deposit <All>' option
  • Similarly, I can withdraw my negative bank money into my pocket, via the 'Withdraw <All>' option.
  • The concept of negative pocket money doesn't make sense. You should only be able to have negative bank balance, and it shouldn't be transferable to your pocket. That is assuming there should even be a concept of bank debt..

Evidence (optional):

If you follow the steps above you'll repro the issue. (You'll need zero/negative bank and pocket balance first)

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