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Oliver Dutch

Clarify/Add Tackling to Deathmatching Rule (or other Server Rule) to Require Escalation

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I initially thought it was covered, but it was explained to me that currently using Shift + E to tackle someone does not require any escalation whatsoever. Given the impacts it has on characters, I think it only makes sense that it be treated as any other physical assault or violence and require escalation in order to do so. People are constantly tackling people and knocking them down, and while I understand it maybe fun, its not at all realistic. I think adding this to the current DM rule or atleast clarifying that it falls under this rule would be incredibly beneficial and prevent all the unnecessary and frankly annoying excessive tackling that is occurring without any real reason.



UPDATE on 12/28/23 after feedback I wanted to clarify that the suggestion for it to be covered under DM was just because thats what speaks to escalation for situations, but I understand it maybe better covered under other rules like NRP, I just think clarifying it to be covered under a rule as it isn't right now would be helpful.

Edited by Oliver Dutch
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People are having fun with the new feature, just let them have their fun. There are IC ways to prevent someone from tackling you, especially you who has the power to charge people for doing it. If they do it and it annoys you, charge them.

Putting something like this under probably the most heavily enforced rule on the server that gives the harshest punishments makes zero sense. If anything it should be under NRP, but I don't think any rule changes should be made for it.

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1 hour ago, Herbo said:

People are having fun with the new feature, just let them have their fun. There are IC ways to prevent someone from tackling you, especially you who has the power to charge people for doing it. If they do it and it annoys you, charge them.

Putting something like this under probably the most heavily enforced rule on the server that gives the harshest punishments makes zero sense. If anything it should be under NRP, but I don't think any rule changes should be made for it.


1 hour ago, Cup said:

While I agree that it needs to be calmed down a bit. I don't necessarily know if it should fall under DM. For sure it is being abused at the moment but give it time to breath and be tuned a bit before rushing to any judgement.

Punching people for no reason in DOC is also considered fun to some people, yet it falls under the DM rule. I havent yet logged in nor tested tackling personally but I feel that that tackling someone with no escalation at all can be abused easily to win a situation.

I dont think the suggestion is about you and your friends chillin in your HQ tackling each other, its about random incidents that happen for no reason just cuz someone was bored so ye, lets tackle this guy.

+1 to the suggestion.

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25 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

There is finally a way to escalate a situation other than pointing a gun, and you wish to see it put in the same category as shooting a gun?

Strong -1.

Tackling is perfect escalation and should stay the way it is. I do agree that the trolling tackle needs to stop, but that is NRP, not DM.

Troll tackling, and the ability to basically permanently keep a person on the ground with no way for them to really do anything about it. But again like you said I don't necessarily feel like this falls under DM and is more NRP. 


DM already covers if they tackle you with no escalation and then use that to stomp on you or something like that.

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9 minutes ago, Cup said:

Troll tackling, and the ability to basically permanently keep a person on the ground with no way for them to really do anything about it. But again like you said I don't necessarily feel like this falls under DM and is more NRP. 


DM already covers if they tackle you with no escalation and then use that to stomp on you or something like that.

I don't disagree about it being covered by something like NRP, I guess I shouldn't have mentioned DM specifically, I just did that because thats what speaks more about escalation, honestly I just think it should be clarified that its covered under some rule as my understanding of it now is that it's not at all. Whether that be NRP or DM or another rule, this suggestion is more about ensuring it is covered, again I should have been more clear about that and not said DM specifically.

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5 hours ago, Cup said:

DM already covers if they tackle you with no escalation and then use that to stomp on you or something like that.

The DM part of this is then stomping on you, tackling shouldn't be included in that. Like I said before, DM hands out the HARSHEST punishments, with your 2nd DM being a 7-Day Ban. If anything it should be under NRP.

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In total agreement that the amount of people currently just running around tackling people for the sheer living Frick of it is outrageous right now. but that was always going to happen once something like this was added to the server. goons just doing goon shit. and I have seen entire flocks of dudes just randomly tackling each other. and the less said about people being able to basically infinitely stun lock someone with tackles the better.

If them tackling you without a proper reason to do so, I would currently treat that in the same way as someone just punching you for no reason. its assault. but its not the same as someone putting a gun to your head or a knife to your throat or even repeatedly punching you to til you go down. therefore I would only class it as DM if the RP that followed from the tackle killed me. in which case its not even the tackle itself that was the problem but what followed. if its used properly within the correct situations I think it could be a benefit. so yeah, currently I believe any tackle related rule breaks would be NRP, not DM.

but ultimately much like @Cup says, its a new mechanic, need to let this one marinate before I would have an informed opinion. give it a month and see if we feel like its still a problem.

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