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Recycling Center and new litter items

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Litter and trash is everywhere in Lost Santos and the surrounding state. Citizens regularly leave their empty drink containers strewn about on the ground once they are finished drinking their contents without a care in the world for the health of the city's ecosystems. I would love to see a new business open up within San Andreas where individuals can bring their empty drink containers to be recycled, and provided a cash back incentive for doing so.

a vast amount of these trash items are useless and get discarded by players onto the ground to despawn. the only "trash" item that seems to have a use is the empty water bottle. i would love to see a new sell point created where players can sell empty bottles and cups for money. obviously these buy back prices will be low, and they would have to be lower than wholesale pricing of buying the full item in the first place, but it would give a new potential source of income for players, cleaning up other players trash.

could also be a place that would accept litter and dirty laundry that accidently get smuggled out of DOC. 

could also implement new "trash" items that are produced from eating food. a lot of these food items would have wrappers or boxes they come in, so having a new "empty burger box" or "sandwich wrapper" item created after finishing a food item would be great to go along side this "recycling center" update

as GTA V is heavily based on California, the system in real life is already there - link
its so common for places to have cash available for soda cans, glass bottles, food tin cans, etc, it would make a lot of sense to implement that in game

Edited by Demonmit1
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