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Heavy Pistol Ammo not registering in hand

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Date and time (provide timezone): Aug 20 10:20 AM HST

Character name: Skye Takazono

Issue/bug you are reporting: Heavy Pistol Had ammo attached to gun, but when the gun is drawn in hand, it says that there is no ammo. Not able to reload or shoot.

Expected behavior:  I had 104 bullets attached to the gun in my inventory and when its in hand, it says 0/0 without being able to reload to shoot at all. the ammo count should be 104 and have the ability to reload and shoot.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: the gun was modded with HP bullets and a flashlight. Admin Timmaayy was assisting me with this problem and couldn't seem to find the solution at the time.

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8 minutes ago, SkyeT said:

Date and time (provide timezone): Aug 20 10:20 AM HST

Character name: Skye Takazono

Issue/bug you are reporting: Heavy Pistol Had ammo attached to gun, but when the gun is drawn in hand, it says that there is no ammo. Not able to reload or shoot.

Expected behavior:  I had 104 bullets attached to the gun in my inventory and when its in hand, it says 0/0 without being able to reload to shoot at all. the ammo count should be 104 and have the ability to reload and shoot.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: the gun was modded with HP bullets and a flashlight. Admin Timmaayy was assisting me with this problem and couldn't seem to find the solution at the time.



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