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[Building] Remove/Modify "CTRL + X"

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Simple suggestion. Plenty of people on the server, mostly crims, use CTRL + X to see through a wall then decided to raid the property once they see what's inside. This is plain metagaming and exploiting, but there's no way to prove any of that since they just won't record their POV when they do it! I don't see any benefit of CTRL + X making furniture disappear when clicked on, there's no good way to use such a function that isn't straight up exploiting. Fixing this feature should greatly reduce the amount of raids conducted because of dishonest players.

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So I think they make the object invisible for a second so people using ctrl + x know they have the correct item selected.

I still rememver the days where /removefurniture was all we had and trust me this is soooooooo mush better, sad people abuse it though.


I don't know how the coding works but to prevent people from abusing this to see trough walls, instead of making it invisible for a second, make it red for a second?

Any bright colour would work, just not invisible.

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On 7/24/2023 at 12:49 PM, clickclack said:

use double wall to counter that and airlock doors

that isn't as cheap as you think lol


On 7/24/2023 at 12:56 PM, Tom Solar said:

I don't know how the coding works but to prevent people from abusing this to see trough walls, instead of making it invisible for a second, make it red for a second?

Any bright colour would work, just not invisible.

+1, I think this would be the best idea, this not being fixed ruins a lot of RP and will be the solution to people raiding properties by spamming ctrl x to see through.

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