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I need a admins help

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I got a 100k loan and its 150k to pay back i got must of it already and was supposed to pay it back yesterday but i had to fly 10 hours away to see a family member in the hospital and wont be home for a week is there anything that we can do? was from total banks,was on a very short notice and never saw  like this coming , flew out the day i got the call from my mom


Edited by BrandonMac270
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Good day sir,

sorry for your situation, but Total Bankers work place is mine and Logan Black, I wish you to ask few questions also:

why you even not contacted any of us at Total Bankers website to inform cause you will be late ? 

are you 100 procent sure, cause you can pay within next 1 week ? if you can, no worries we will wait, but if you are going to stay in town for whole week, and if this week going to be wasted for nothing, just note us. We will write into Refund request for our money back.

Thank you, and sorry for your situation. Hope everything will be good.

best regards,


Blatniak Einaro

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19 hours ago, Einaras said:

Good day sir,

sorry for your situation, but Total Bankers work place is mine and Logan Black, I wish you to ask few questions also:

why you even not contacted any of us at Total Bankers website to inform cause you will be late ? 

are you 100 procent sure, cause you can pay within next 1 week ? if you can, no worries we will wait, but if you are going to stay in town for whole week, and if this week going to be wasted for nothing, just note us. We will write into Refund request for our money back.

Thank you, and sorry for your situation. Hope everything will be good.

best regards,


Blatniak Einaro

i was unclear of the total bank website, and also was in a panic cause scared i was gunna get banned lol,and had to leave that day.

and yes i will be in town by the 19th - 20th  as my return flight is booked for the 18th.


Thanks for your concerns are cooperation 


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