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About BrandonMac270

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  1. i was unclear of the total bank website, and also was in a panic cause scared i was gunna get banned lol,and had to leave that day. and yes i will be in town by the 19th - 20th as my return flight is booked for the 18th. Thanks for your concerns are cooperation Brandon
  2. I got a 100k loan and its 150k to pay back i got must of it already and was supposed to pay it back yesterday but i had to fly 10 hours away to see a family member in the hospital and wont be home for a week is there anything that we can do? was from total banks,was on a very short notice and never saw like this coming , flew out the day i got the call from my mom
  3. I Think it would be pretty cool if they added Hunting and or Golf as fun pass times , and for hunting maybe sell pelts for money. What do you guys think?
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