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Tom Whelan

Locking and unlocking vehicle next to house

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Date and time (provide timezone): August 21 2018 CET

Character name: Jimmie Healy

Issue/bug you are reporting: Locking and unlocking vehicle outside house, this can leave your house unlocked without knowing it.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 

When parking close to my house like this would trigger both door on the house and the vehicle.
In this video can clearly see that I'm locking the vehicle before approaching the house. 
I step off the bike (same goes with cars and trucks), unlock my house door and I can enter the vehicle with any problems.
There's no notification about the vehicle being unlocked, I can only see the house unlocking.

Proof: https://plays.tv/video/5b7f53d4a3e6d55ff1/doorbug-with-vehicle-too-close

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