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Hey. You DEFINATELY need to add more variety of jobs. There is only one good job and it's farmers, you get good money, it's actually fun to do it but overtime it get's repetitive and boring as f... I mean couldnt there be more jobs like farmers, cause it's not even profitable to work as truck drive, maybe a bus is not that but but still... And these jobs are driving 90 % of the time so how it is supposed to be not boring. 

I would personally suggest to add drug deal, cocaine fiels, weed fields where you can grow up weed, process it maybe and then sell to that drug dealer or you can sell to people, you could balance the price between selling to people and to drug dealer, but stil it would be a lot of fun to do that. Now it's only farmers...

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1) You're wrong, trucker does get more than a farmer but you don't really get it because it takes 30mins to get one farmer job done while in that time you can get like 7 trucker jobs done, pretty much you might get like 400$ less with the trucker but you're not at risk of being robbed 24/7(tested it with the farmer vs courier, courier got maybe 200$ less)

2) there's that stuff already

tbh farmer is boring af imo, but then again i like driving

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