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Posts posted by Fupii

  1. It all just depends on how the community "abuses" the rule. As long as it doesn't get to the point where multiple different gangs are acting as one 24/7 it should be fine. There's no point in removing it just for LEO though, that's basically promoting shooting cops which 9/10 ends up bad ICly and OOCly. Could give the rule a test and see how it works.

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  2. 12 hours ago, Phantas said:

    I'll be tagging @tuffy@Fupiito add there 2 cents as they've thought me a lot of about black culture during the time I've known them. 

    I really appreciate this shoutout man. @Phantas hit it right on the head with his reply. Us African Americans take a lot of pride in Black History Month and we would love to celebrate our ancestors who made pivotal steps for us to be having these important conversations. The thought of celebrating both Icly and OOCly just puts a smile to my face to see how far we have come. This is a +1 for me!


  3. 7 minutes ago, John Nut said:

    You need connections, weeks and months and more to build up cash. Then to use your connections to be able to buy or order this. More RP than most of people running labs will ever do

    You can still incorporate these "connections" with this new change. For example, Gang A and Gang B can have a meeting and agree to hold X lab together everyday from 2pm to 4pm. If you come at this discussion with a closed mind and think about the bad side of the update than you're not going to like the change. But think about how much MORE rp can be had with the change that would have been left out if we would've continued with the private labs. 

    With that being said, I do think we should allow players to refund the tables. There's no question that there was a lot of money spent on buying the properties along with the materials needed to start cooking in them. This money is now basically gone as private labs aren't worth anymore. 

  4. I personally don't think AFKing in a property by yourself for an hour promotes any sort of rp. Yes I understand that us criminals NEED money, yes I understand that there is prior rp to cooking (Picking plants, refilling water, buying the property, etc.). But it makes 0 sense for the admins/devs to promote people being locked away in a property printing money anytime they can get their hands on some lysergic. I've noticed during my almost 2 years playing the server that no matter what change that happens, there are always going to be people complaining and angry about change. Theres legit no way the devs/admins can make EVERYONE happy, especially dealing with crim rp. People need to start being open to change and think about ways they can adjust icly to these changes.

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