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Retired Administration Staff
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Posts posted by Puzzling

  1. I love this idea, as someone who would love to put "On Duty Mechanic - Call Elias @ 123-4576" on the wall of my mechanic shop, or even at any player owned businesses so they could advertise. Maybe make them only available for at the most 24 hours.

    If people abuse them, just punish them for it, whenever you run the command to place one just create a log so they can be easily tracked. Sure there might be some people who abuse it but it would be the same as unrealistic building where it just gets reported and taken care of with a notice to remove it.


    For a trial, we could try to allow admin markers for RP use ICly, use a /report 1 to get it approved and see how they work along in the server in an attempt to gauge how often or how much of a use it could have!




    On 9/5/2021 at 10:08 AM, skeletee said:

    Below is an example of what it would look like in practice that was used for a recent RP opp. Instead of "ADMIN MARKER" it would read "DESCRIPTIVE MARKER".

    It's really amazing that we could get a staff member to approve this marker for the purpose of RP, but it would be great if there were less obstacles to go through and we could do it ourselves (with some level of moderation).


    It can be removed the same way how blips can be removed by the owner with /removeOrderBlip to clear it if you are done with it.

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  2. 10 hours ago, Ash said:

    A compromise I'd love to see is aliases being hidden by default and you hold ALT to see the alias. ID's would always show. With maybe even the option to have aliases on by default or off that you can toggle to which you prefer.

    big +1 to this. 

  3. A lot of people like to RP speaking in other languages. We get a lot of questions about how to type in colors such as

    ~r~[LanguageHere] ~w~ Message

    This would obviously still be an option but the /language command would just be something along the lines of 

    Input    --> /lang Spanish Hello my name is Matt.

    Output --> [Spanish] Hello my name is Matt.


    Test code (I haven't touched RageMP so this might be wrong but general idea maybe?)

    mp.events.addCommand("language", (player, fullText, langInput, message) => {

      howeverYouSendAMessage(`${player.name} says: ~r~[${langInput}] ~w~${message} );



    Makes it easy to write in languages without having to know color  codes etc. Might be easier overall to understand and quicker than writing all of the ~r~[Lang] ~w~Text



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