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Posts posted by Puzzling

  1. To start, I don't want to spend more money on repairs, however I would love for people to drive a little... better.

    Currently engine repairs are always a flat fee as listed below,

         900-1000: $0 Base Cost
         1-899: $500 Base Cost
         0: $500-$(A lot), Dependent on vehicle.

    I think it should be changed to a scaling value based on how damaged your vehicle is getting larger and larger till the cost of a full vehicle repair when it is 0'd out.

    900-1000 would still be $0 because those are just general desync things or minor bumps, nothing to worry about.
    1-899 should start to scale to the cars 0'd out engine cost. This will scale based on the value of your vehicle as it would in real life. A $700,000 Paragon R is going to be more expensive then a $50,000 Futo to repair. 

    I think labor costs should still be the same from the mechanic companies, this should increase from $500 and $350 for LSC, MPT and Bayview respectively. Obviously it is up to the companies to decide that if it does become implemented.


    • I think this would stop people from being as crazy with vehicles and maybe think about ramming each other, or using there vehicle as a "I can do whatever to it, this will only cost $1000 to fix"
    • It becomes more realistic in terms of going to a mechanic and paying what the damage really costs.
    • Hopefully better driving from everyone!


    • Obviously this will just cost more money than a simple $1000-ish repair with labor.


    Obviously I don't *really* want to pay more to repair my vehicles, and I know some arguments are going to be "but desync" however, we all have to learn how to shoot with desync so I don't really see a difference in just driving and paying a bit more attention to your surroundings.

    This is only a suggestion because people slam vehicles around all of the time, it doesn't really break any rules but they aren't really caring about the property they invested sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars in to.

    Finally, I think if implemented. There should be some fee for freelance jobs or even government jobs that have vehicles to be held to the same standards as a normal car owner. Maybe when you return a vehicle to your respective garages, it takes into account the damage and issues a repair fee. Just because some jobs are "Government Funded" doesn't stop you from paying for your own supplies if you are being reckless with it. This would also help stop the idea of "this is more money criminals have to pay for using there vehicles". I think everyone should RPly have there own personal cruisers, or vehicles, that's the whole idea of /createunit CALLSIGN is you get your own vehicle you have to take care of. Same with Money Trucks or GoPostal Vans, you are renting that from the freelance company.

    Give me your thoughts, I know this is probably going to get a bit of downvotes purply because it costs more money, but the reasonings should help.


    • Like 1
  2. The whole idea of the script as far as I know, you get a notification on your phone from your security app/system that your vehicle or property is being broken in to. If you choose to have your phone off you should lose that perk.

    How it currently works: If you phone is on or off, you get notifications if your things are being broken in to.

    How it should work: If your phone is off, you don't get any notifications about things being broken in to.

    Reason: You have no method of getting notifications if your phone is off, therefore, it makes sense you wouldn't get any.

    This should also include the following features (Title changed as well)

    • Weazel ads showing
    • /showvehicles
    • /newsagency
    • /mechanic
    • Like 2
    • Upvote 2
  3. +1
    I don't think we should add more to the F6 menu to purchase via credits. I think since these are lower quality apartments, maybe give them like the 1g apartment interior with the stairs. Make them limited to about 50 or so depending on the complex. I think cooking in lower end apartments might be allowed because, ya know they are "worse" neighborhoods compared to Eclipse Towers and Alta. Also the space given is smaller so you can't pack 30 tables in a small apartment, so cooking wouldn't be as crazy so it gives a benefit to criminals as well. 

  4. Big +1, with the amount of development topics that have been teased I think this is a nice, simple way to go about it, until a full menu/wheel could be made.

    You can keep the default binds of 1-6 for new players

    /bindanim [key] [anim]

    Use the same keys at the radio binds, 0-9 are available!

  5. 7 hours ago, Aldarine said:

    Now, that said, I'm not sure how one would go about translating this (red light or a /do) into the server script wise but if possible it's not a half bad idea.

    One possibility:

    Obviously the cameras have positions stored that are accessible. I haven't looked into rage development much, but I don't see why you couldn't put a message like our above head ones at a certain position relative to a camera. Who knows might not be possible that way.

  6. +1 

    $500 an hour (15 minutes worked) like Burgershot, plus the 300 you normally get when someone does /paytoll

    Government and Freelance vehicles don't have to pay which allows for a better income for workers. There are only 3 total spots to work so it isn't like 10 people can all work and get paid for doing nothing.

  7. On 3/31/2020 at 6:17 AM, SandroXiX said:

    But when you (for example) see him after few hours and want to steal your items back he is like in OOC chat:"YOU CAN'T DO THAT I AM A NEW PLAYER",

    You would still have rights to retaliate, he robbed you and committed a crime, you have a right to retaliate.

    The rule is in place so you are not allowed to be the first initiator in robbing a new player if they did nothing wrong to begin with.

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