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Posts posted by checkky

  1. 1 hour ago, Qiang said:

    mining and hunting should be cash money fromΒ my opinion

    Because the government has no involvement in it, all the tools you need to do the work will be provided by the person and will not be provided for free.

    All the legal work that the government collects from the taxpayer in return for doing the work. All of them are supported by the government, such as giving free cars, but the mines and butchers have no support from the government, and it is not fair for them to pay 35% of their income for taxes after hours of work.

    Agreed with cash, or should be an non-tax'd transfer to your bank account.

  2. Taxes/Welfare tax should be reduced

    I do understand that it does make sense to pay taxes however, I do think the amount of assets the government is taking into account to tax people is a bit obscured. I do agree in a sense that, the more total wealth in your bank account, the more you get taxed, completely understandable. However the amount the government is taking away from people in the city is a bit much, especially after today. Some people rely on government pay to pay for their day-to-day finances such as: gas, money, and food. Now that the tax-bracket went even higher people can no longer live comfortably from tax pay, and now they have to Role-play less and work more. Let's say for example someone wants to hang out with their friends, and not work for the day. Originally someone could be covered financially, and "break-even" in a sense if they need to buy necessities for the dayΒ  from their government pay (again such as food, water, and gas). Now with the new tax brackets it's forcing players to work even more than usual. Again this as well does make sense for IRL standards, you need to work for your day-to-day necessities. I do think however with the higher tax bracket being implemented into the server, that it's taking away Role-play Opportunities from players. People now are focused on making money legally or illegally 24/7, putting double the time into their work for less in financial gain due to taxes, instead of Role-playing like they should be. I have as well listed some suggestions that could maybe help fix the "broken" tax bracket system. Feedback, new suggestions, or changes to my current suggestions are appreciated!


    Suggestion #1 - Tax players less/or not at all on vehicles, (IRL people can pay their vehicles off and not be taxed at all, so I don't understand why vehicles are taken into an account so much for the tax bracket). However there are such things as "car payments" and "insurance" for IRL standards, however the amount people get taxed from the amount of cars or assets they have is a bit unrealistic.

    Suggestion #2 - Tax players less depending on the kinda of houses/apartments they have acquired. It doesn't make any kinda sense that players with 1G's and 4G's are put into account for the same tax-bracket. Taxes on houses/apartments should have a different tax bracket depending on: garage size, interior, and location. However do keep taxes for business/club locations the same (from a IRL standpoint it does make sense for people to be taxed on a business location for example if they do not own the land, and pay a tax to a "land-lord".

    Suggestion #3 - Tax players less on non-faction/"sign-up" jobs such as: miner, fisherman, garbageman, fuel transporter, postal transporter, money transported, and many more. I don't really find it rationale that people, whether they're rich or not, are paying the same amount of tax in comparison for example a mechanic at LSC. These jobs typically take up more time and occupation if they're not as privileged to acquire a position in some of these faction jobs. The fact that people who choose to work these jobs are still being taxed the same as "Faction occupational" positions through out the city is not fair from a standpoint of someone trying to get on their feet and getting taxed the same.

    Suggestion #4 - Each apartment building should have a set tax bracket instead of all of them having the same tax percentage. Or each different kind of apartment: 1G, 2G, and 3G's should have different additions to your tax bracket. Each building should have their own tax bracket to better help the pricing of apartments. For example, if someone were to buy a house/apartment IRL, they're going to pay more for that "ocean view" instead of that boring "city view". I don't really find it rationale that all apartments have the same tax-bracket, unless if someone by chances owns all of the buildings and is a "IC" landlord to all six complexes.

    Suggestion #5 - The "total wealth" tax bracket should be put up to a little bit more of higher standards, and should less percentage increments. For example when I hit 499k, my government pay went from 1.6k to 1.1k, and I do think that margin should be set a little bit lower, and maybe should decrease in 200$ increments instead of almost 30% of anyone's government pay.

    Suggestion #6 - A players EXP shouldn't be taken into account for any kinda tax more or less tax. In a sense of IRL standards, it doesn't make sense to tax someone that has been living in the same area/establishment more than anyone else, just simply based off of how long they have been nourished in a certain area.

    Suggestion #7 - Currently for everyone's total wealth and assets, there are 0-499k, 500k-999k, and 1m+ tax brackets. Possibly there could be brackets for 0-249k, 250k-499k, 500k-749k, so one so forth. As well maybe they could decrease the amount of increments in which it taxes the player due to their total wealth or total in assets.

    (overall in my opinion I think the new welfare tax is the server's way to implement people to buy VIP and get more VIP sales however I do think there's other ways around it instead of taxing people an obscured amount of welfare tax for everyone of all occupations)

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