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Posts posted by checkky

  1. 1 hour ago, Astrx said:

    There's a multitude of different things that I hate with crims

    There's not much of us left, so be careful if wanna play the "picky" card.

    1 hour ago, Astrx said:

    I don't sit here and make threads to remove them because I have an issue. I deal with it, I adapt, it is not hard.

    If you somehow cannot tell there clearly there needs to be change, as the server owner wouldn't be having community meetings of what needs to be changed in the server and community. We have been adapting for long enough, and clearly there needs to be change we ALL can adapt too and not just the crims.

    1 hour ago, Astrx said:

    I'm not going to go into it but there is a lot of double standards with these threads and it turns into slander extremely quickly.

    How else do you expect the community to voice their real opinions? The server is at a fight or flight era at the moment, if the real and raw opinions aren't voiced, the community could die out by next year.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Homast said:

    I've said it before and I'll say it again when similar topics are brought up, Play Smarter

    For someone who, unfortunately, has 1m XP on his crim I do play it smart. However, for new players it’s kinda hard when PD/SD metagame scenarios for their “play to win” mentality and act/dress like criminals and act/dress like criminals? Oh but it’s okay, they have all the script support in the world to go undercover in any aspect they please, besides from a different alias.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Marksy said:

    I have to admit the amount of LEO players on here saying how it isn't about W's or L's it's about the RP is pretty laughable considering the vast amount of resources they have to basically ensure a W most times, not to mention the map changes over the years to soley accomodate LEO's taking less L's for example the recent swimming rule because they don't wanna lose you in a chase or when they blocked off the train tunnels and bridges around paleto and señora freeway areas to avoid people losing them via those means during pursuits. 

    The amount of administrative assistance and backing to these raids is pretty comedic, considering none of these players know what it feels like to try to make these fun scenarios without any administrative assistance.

  4. 1 hour ago, SquirtleSquad said:

    At the end of the day, it's up to LFM and FM to determine whether or not these being done are in fairness

    FM literally has 0 say, it’s all “IC protocol” with admin assistance every raid. 

    If PD/SD can raid people (with guaranteed administrative assistance), with escalation while players are offline, I don’t see why crims can’t either (with no guaranteed administrative assistance). However, that is for another suggestion. 

    I still do feel the “raiding system” should be re-worked to adapt to the dying server population. 

  5. 1 hour ago, KimTaek said:

    Around six weeks ago, I submitted my application for the guides. (The faction had been actively posting for around 2 months when I applied) Up to this point, there has been no positive or negative feedback.

    This is another topic for discussion however, there should be more incentive for applying for a official legal faction, than a F4 menu and maybe a property. 

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