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Posts posted by Ranger

  1. EloWFiO.png

    Don got the Burnouts together for a small cruise around the city on a nice Sunday afternoon.

    (Don, Asbo, Alex, Jack, and Hanzo hanging out at the lot before heading out Josh joined them soon after they all met up. Shortly after leaving, Colt arrived and joined them.)

    (The Burnouts making a quick stop at Mirror Park Gas to get food and gas.)

    (After a quick stop at Bayview, the Burnouts stopped at the Drift Gas station to refuel one last time.)

    (The Burnouts hanging out at the pier with Marco, Belle, Larry, Dan, and Jay. After a few words, everyone split off to go to sleep.)

    • Like 6
  2. OugwKng.png

    Don waited for about two weeks for his parts to arrive, and in the meantime, he spent time with his friends and colleagues doing various activities. As May 13th arrived, he was driving around on a Reever that he was borrowing whilst blowing time waiting for Ava Raven & Johnnie Hill’s wedding to happen that same day. As he was driving, he felt a vibration coming from his phone in his pocket.


    After reading the notification, he drove straight to the garage to find a crate waiting for him.


    Now that the crate was there, he needed a way to get it into the garage. He was tempted to ask a dock worker if he could borrow a forklift, but he looked around and noticed a pallet jack sitting near the loading bay of the garage near the Burnout Garage.



    After getting the crate into the garage and returning the pallet jack back to where he found it, it was time to crack the crate open.





    Once he got his excitement out of the way seeing that his parts arrived, he walked out of the garage and noticed a smaller package sitting near the couches outside. After picking it up and opening it, he saw the Car Show Trophy he ordered had arrived as well. He closed the box and took it with him - now knowing that he had to find Kim Taek and present his trophy to him - finally.

    • Like 5
  3. XMLXR5x.png

    After a short break from working on the car and focusing a bit more on his work within the LSPD, Don finally found some time in his schedule to browse for some parts for the Gauntlet and order them.




    After finding the parts he needed, he remembered that he needed to sort out a trophy for Kim Taek from the recent car show that he was a part of and won first place in.




    Once Don finished ordering what he needed, he sat back in his chair and left the garage building, beginning the process of patiently waiting for his parts and the trophy to arrive so he can continue work on the car and finally reward Kim their prize.


    A zoomed in view of the websites Don was using.



    • Like 5
  4. If you believe you'd be able to create a guide to help newer players get into the swing of things, feel free to create a post in the FAQ & Server Guides section and it can be reviewed & approved - it is not a section exclusively for staff to post in so you are more than welcome to create something in there if you find that it'd be helpful.




  5. nc6zZb6.png

    On a Saturday afternoon, Don decided to rent some Go Karts for the club to have some fun with. He let members know and a few met up at The Lot.

    (Hazel, Don, Asbo, and Josh hanging out at The Lot - Photo: Hazel Adams, Burnout)

    After waiting a few minutes Jack got on frequency and asked what was going on. After being told, he clocked off shift at the LSPD and headed to The Lot. Once he arrived the 5 headed down to the Drift Arena where the Go Karts were waiting for them in multiple different colors.

    (Hazel parking her Go Kart next to her Tornado Custom - Photo: Hazel Adams, Burnout)

    As the 5 members got to the Drift Arena, Liam, Hanzo, and Jamie began to trickle in and get themselves a Kart. Shortly after the club doing a few races, Luca Quinn and Jacqueline Perinneau arrived to see what was going on, and they were invited to join in for some races.

    (The Burnouts & ENVY members lined up for a race - Photo: Don Mozzarella, Burnout)

    Once they did a few races, Luca and Jaqueline left and headed off. The Burnouts did a few more races and decided to pack it up and head to the car show happening at Old Bayview. As they arrived, they parked up their cars and began to socialize. Don spoke with Dima Flory about joining the club and ended up giving his Burner pin. Don brought his 190z which ended up winning the car show aspect of the meet, alongside Gaven Montasser and Francesca Romano in their Yosemite Custom & Panthere.

    (Burnout's Coquette D10 parked at the car show - Photo: Hazel Adams, Burnout)

    (Multiple people crowding around the final 3 cars - Photo: Oliver Mceden, Bayview)

    After the car show ended and a long day of racing around in Go Karts, everyone split off and went to sleep or went back to work.


    • Like 7
  6. What the did you just say about my offer, you little prick? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Yelp: School for Food Reviewers, and I’ve been involved in numerous reviews on multiple restaurants, including Nusr-Et, and I have over 300 confirmed 1-Star Reviews. I am trained in food analysis and I’m the top reviewer on the entire Yelp database. You are nothing to me but just another Chef. I will wipe you the out with a review the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the "Other" section in the advertisements board? Think again, bozo. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of reviewers across the world and your restaurant's address is being released right now so you better prepare for the review storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your restaurant. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can review your food in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my phone. Not only am I extensively trained in mobile reviewing, but I have access to the entire contact list of the United States Food Review Committee  and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable restaurant off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Your "soggy doggy" serving restaurant is done for, kiddo. You could have politely said no.

    - DM

    ((No OOC hate Shawn xoxo))

    • YAY 1
    • chill 2
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    • dead 1
  7. VFpwoeB.png

    What is the Content Creator Program?

    The content creator program is a small program created with guidance from some of our most active content creators who are a part of the community. The purpose of this program is to give back to our creators who help promote the community with their content. How do we give back? More info can be seen in the following sections. *Keep in mind that you do not need to be a part of the CCP to stream Eclipse!*

    What's expected of me as a creator if I were to join?

    Barely anything! With this program, we want to ensure that you as a creator still maintain the creative freedoms that you had before joining. All that we expect is a minimum activity level from each creator, whether it be that you stream on Twitch/YouTube or you create a video series on YouTube. When it comes down to what the quota is, we have made sure to work with our most active creators to ensure that the minimum activity is not too cumbersome for creators who would like to join the program as it is a main priority to ensure that creators get to make the content they enjoy, for their enjoyment.

    The minimum activity set is as follows;

    • Video Creator - ~2 videos minimum per month. Depending on the average length of videos, the minimum may vary.
      • If a creator makes videos at an average of 3 minutes, we would expect a higher count of videos to be released compared to a creator that makes videos at an average of 15 minutes of length, where we would allow the minimum to be lower as editing videos can be very tedious and we do not want to overwork creators as again; creators make content out of a hobby.
    • Streamer - ~4 streams minimum per month with an average uptime of 2 hours per stream.
      • The streamer minimum being set like so means that a creator that streams would only need to stream an average of 8 hours a month which still offers streamers the freedom to play off-stream as they wish.

    Why is there an activity minimum? Read the next section to learn about the perks that can be granted for being a part of the program!

    What perks do I get if accepted? When do I receive them?

    As mentioned above, the purpose of this program is to offer more for being a creator within Eclipse by offering some perks and rewards that we believe will help create more engagement for the creator such as hosting Eclipse-sponsored credit giveaways on their streams/videos, and access to the Twitch promotion bot in the ECRP Discord which we believe will bring more attention to creators.

    A few of the perks can be seen below;

    • Access to a Discord channel dedicated to content creators
    • Access to post/promote in the #media channel on the ECRP Discord
    • Being given the opportunity to host credit giveaways that are sponsored by Eclipse Roleplay
    • VIP Perks (Gold Tier)
    • Auto-promotion on the members list
    • Auto-promotion via the Twitch bot

    After a successful application, creators will enter into a short probation period, where the small team dedicated to working with creators will monitor their activity to ensure they will be able to provide content as per the minimum set in place. Some perks will be available at the beginning when a creator is onboarded into the program, and some will be offered post-probation.

    Are there any other expectations?

    As stated previously, the main expectation is just the minimum activity requirement. Aside from that we also want to ensure that creators that are a part of this program hold a positive mindset when streaming or creating content. What does this mean? Essentially, we believe that whilst creating content you have the freedom to express yourself as a unique individual, but being a part of this program means that you are picking up a small responsibility as being a representative of the community, so with that, we expect that opinions on things that may not be to your liking stay level-headed and that there is no slander, harassment, or obscene words said about the server or member(s) of the community. This does not mean that you cannot hold an opinion on things you may not like, it just means that if you are sharing this opinion on a creator platform we ask that you do it respectfully. We are not here to moderate your content and watch your every move, but we just ask that you stay respectful!

    What type of content do you look for?

    We believe that all creators have the capabilities to create unique content depending on their style of roleplay, but overall the content we look for is content that promotes the server in various ways such as day-to-day RP encounters, LEO/Crim streams/videos, etc.

    With what we look for being listed, there are different types of content that we do not believe promotes a roleplay environment, and would be invalid to join the program such as (but not limited to);

    • Mainly PvP-oriented content, otherwise known as "Clap Montages". PvP is not frowned upon in the grand scheme of things, but when all of the videos have nothing but shooting and music in the background we do not consider this "promotional" content for a roleplay server.
    • "Troll" videos where the main premise of the content is trolling on the server

    How do I join?

    Before filling in the application, please keep in mind that the CCT has bare minimum requirements that are expected from applicants such as;

    • Pre-existing content such as prior videos or streams
      • When reviewing applications, the CCT wants to make sure that there is pre-existing content that can be reviewed alongside the application. If an applicant has little/no content, it makes it harder for the CCT to review properly which may result in denial. It should be understood that the Content Creator Program is mainly looking for those who already have a proven content-creation background in the sense that the program is not meant for people to start making content, it's meant for those who already create content. Don't let that shy you away from starting to make content and apply to join at a later date!
    • Good standing within the community
      • As mentioned above, we are not here to monitor what happens on stream, but we want to ensure that applicants are upstanding members of the community and do not have multiple or repeat punishments for OOC Behavior/Toxicity/etc.
    • A base understanding of how the server works and a minimum of 15,000 exp on any character 
      • Whilst promoting the server via content creation, we want to ensure that creators understand how the server works and the rules surrounding the RP environment we have set in place. When creating content, you are expected to understand the ECRP server rules. If past RP experience is shown then the CCT may deviate from the exp requirement.
    • Actively playing on the server
      • With this program, we want to ensure that everyone who joins the program actively plays on the server. This does not mean that ECRP needs to be the only server that a creator plays on, but it is expected that the creator(s) are actively a part of the community.

    Joining the program is as simple as filling out a short Google Form so the Content Creator Team can review it and learn a bit more about you as a creator and learn more about what type of content you create, what platform you create content on, and what your activity is like. The link to the Google form can be found here

    Once your application has been submitted the Content Creator Team (CCT) will review it and reach out to applicants once they are reviewed. Once accepted, a small orientation will take place between the CCT and the Content Creator(s) to help ease them into the onboarding process. The application for the Content Creator Program will always be open to ensure that even creators who are new to the community get a chance to take part.

    • Like 3
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  8. Hello,

    We've had suggestions like these and the answer is the same - we are not interested in hosting an event where its main purpose is shooting, killing, or lawlessness; we have done events similar where LEO are involved and it did not prove to be positive long-term. The events we run and host mainly focus on interaction style RP whether it be a fun race or a small RP oriented show.


  9. Hello,

    What this means may seem confusing, but after this clarification it should be easier;

    • Character A's total worth (as per the Taxes & Info tab at the bank states) is $800,000. They would like to transfer $500,000 to Character B to get a start. $500,000 is more than 50% of the total worth of Character A, so the transfer is disallowed.

    The transfer "limit" is set for the character you are transferring from, not the one that is being transferred to.

    Additionally, there are times where if a transfer is deemed to have good enough reason and be detailed enough, the Refund and Transfer team may offer deviation from those guidelines as they have many times recently and in the past.


  10. Hello,

    As stated in other topics of discussion, we do not limit where shooting can happen, this goes for a largescale gang shootout or a situation with the LSPD, LSSD, etc. If you believe that the standards at which something is being portrayed by a legal faction is poor, you can file an OOC IA report for the respective faction(s), or speak to a member of LFM where they can work with the faction command internally to resolve any issues (inb4 "they aren't effective", they are).


  11. Hello,

    (most) Players in the community are adults, and can work together as adults. If you need to go AFK for a minute or two to deal with something out-of-game, pop a message in OOC chat asking if it's ok to go AFK for a minute or two and work with the other players. Common courtesy from player to player can go a long way, and a lot of players are very understanding of that - just remember, we're all gamers at the end of the day!

    As for a situation where a rulebreak may be present, or if something is not going the way you expected, you should create a report for a staff member to assist. You cannot pause your own roleplay in that sense.


  12. Hello,

    We hold no interest in adding more NCZs around the server, and since this post has been made, we've actually removed a few. If you'd like to prevent your vehicle from being stolen, parking it in a more hidden area, or using the Los Santos/Paleto parking then calling a taxi is a good move to make.


  13. Hello,

    Staff are diligent with reports that surround this topic, and we ensure that we are being fair when speaking to players about said rulebreak, as what you stated can be true most of the time, where a player may not mean any harm when mentioning another server.

    An example of how it could be handled follows;

    • Player A pm's Player B talking about another server and a staff member comes across this. The staff member will speak to the player, informing them of the rule, and continuing on with their day.

    Unless there is malicious intent on advertising another server, there are very few cases where players have inadvertently "advertised" and have been full-on punished for doing so. To comment on the NGRP point - SA:MP (as a platform) is not a competitor, so there are generally no issues with speaking about it as most of the older players within our community used to play on SA:MP servers.

    No change is needed surrounding this as we do not feel it is a large-scale enough of an issue that we come across where we need to offer more leniency. If a player you run into speaks about another server, the best course of action is to teach them about the rule!


  14. Hello, 

    Please refer to the newly updated, detailed, and expanded building rules.

    The new rules offer better communication as to what is allowed and what is not allowed, additionally to assist a more "uniform" way of looking at builds when determining if they are deemed to be NRP or not.


  15. Hello,

    Until a CK system is created (again), we will not force players to server a life-sentence which will essentially kill off any roleplay they would like to perform. It has happened in the past, but if you would like to request a life sentence you must have long-term character development to support it where you may submit a request with LFM to review.


  16. Hello,

    To quote the rule that you posted; "Players using offensive language excessively In-Character through text or VOIP must stop if a player asks for it Out-of-Character. Players are not permitted to use offensive language Out-of-Character to others." Essentially, if you are uncomfortable with someone saying such a thing to you, you can request that they do not do that via OOC chat. If they continue, you may create a report for staff to handle.


  17. Hello,

    At this time there are no plans to remove the mapping that was added, but small tweaks and optimization fixes have been happening over time to improve performance.

    As for the comment about reallowing "no shadows", please refer to this quote from another suggestion about reallowing it;

    On 11/24/2022 at 7:59 PM, Osborn said:

    Sorry, but we are not interested in allowing shadows to be removed, this was a decision taken by the admin staff team after meetings and it is the direction that we want to have the community towards. It grants too much of an advantage in especially shootouts (and dark areas), the settings provided by GTA 5 are sufficient for computers in this day and age to be able to play the game. We do not want users to feel forced to alter their graphics outside of the game to have the same advantage as others. It is a roleplay server, and not a PVP-focused server, which the removal of game shadows (among other graphical adjustments) meta stems from. 

    We are sorry if there is someone out there that absolutely cannot play this game without removing shadows, and using the settings provided by GTA 5 themselves. However, benchmarks of GTA 5 have proven that GPUs as old as 660 (and older, including hardware from that era) can run this game decently well with the settings provided. Rage MP may have some optimization issues but we have staff that runs on old hardware and they have no issues playing the game. 

    No one is immediately banned for removing shadows, and if they are, in most cases, they are unbanned after proving that they have uninstalled them. In normal circumstances, Unfair Game File Modifications follow a punishment progression like other punishments. There are however cases where this may differentiate, as there could be other factors involved. 


  18. Hello,

    Aside from this topic being quite old, a property request system now exists.

    I appreciate and heavily understand the sentiment of losing a property due to committing a crime inside of it, but it's simply just a consequence to an IC action, as committing all crimes can be. Multiple players/factions have pulled off owning properties for extended amounts of time whilst doing illegal activities in them, such as having a drug lab inside and staying lowkey enough to not get caught, all the way up to running an RP money laundering operation out of the back of a sports store.

    IC regulations are set in place as you stated in the "I suggest" section - so if you wish to own a property in-game to run illegal operations out of, it's really up to you on how to play it the best to prevent being caught as it can be taken away if found to be doing illegal activities with it. I (personally) know of countless properties that were requested ICly for "legal" reasons, but are actually ran as an illegal building.

    In short, a property request system now exists, and requesting a property for illegal activities holds extremely high risk & reward, but it is up to you to understand and work with/against the risks to reap the rewards. In terms of the regulations/restrictions that are set ICly - those are for you to get if you request a property.


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