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Everything posted by MickeyFKing

  1. Maze Bank West For quite some time the office doors of Maze Bank West had remained closed, shut off to the public and the phone calls and e-mails had gone unanswered. One of those e-mails that went unanswered was that of Mickey King. Having first met Paulo Witherfork at the community outreach meeting that he and Xoza Shadow had set up, The Chamber of Commerce, where Mickey was the chosen representative for Weazel News. Through the coming months the personal and business relationship between the two had grown with Mickey trying to use his connections to further the reach of Assured Services in places where it could expand. In passing Mickey had mentioned to Paulo that he had not heard back from the bank and Paulo had informed Mickey that they were in an in between stage, looking for a new loan manager to run Maze Bank West. With his knack for communication and his ambition to always further his own personal accolades Mickey put his name out there to Paulo. In just a short amount of time a meeting took place where Mickey met with the senior executives of Assured Services. Impressing those across the table from him it was decided that he was the right fit for the job and the plan was put in motion. Over the coming month or so the remaining loose ends were all tied up and when all was said and done the keys to one of the most prestigious and well respect loan companies and banks in all of Los Santos were placed in Mickey's hands. Wanting to get right to work Mickey began to strike fast, catching up on the backlog of e-mails and getting in contact with everyone who had been seeking a loan. Within mere days over two-million dollars were loaned out with interest rates that most companies could only dream of providing to its customers. The plan was simple, keep the rates fair and honest and a rebuild of the image of Maze Bank West as a bank by the people, for the people...
  2. So this is something that has been happening for a long time but I guess I just never looked into it. I'm guessing it is just something with my account but I have VIP, have for pretty much my whole time in ECRP. I've come to realize that my 35% tax break, that should be getting knocked down to 20% tax break, is always going through at 35%. I have a screen shot of my most recent salary claim that shows that I am being taxed at 35%. If someone could please look into my account and confirm that there is something going on I'd greatly appreciate it because at this point I've probably lost hundreds of thousands of dollars without realizing it. https://i.gyazo.com/f896f7cf5e3281e7965a825589006eb9.png
  3. Honestly, really like this idea. I think it would be an awesome move to remove some of the stress from mechanics as well when it comes to towing if the insurance agency has their own towing capabilities. Including driving records and past impounds into premium calculation, to a maximum, would also likely cause people to be more responsible with their driving/parking
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