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Posts posted by Ash

  1. I imagine this is implemented for when the vehicle is technically floating so when cars are ocean dumped they’re recoverable. This one single stream is just deep enough in parts to trigger this by the looks of it. It’s unfair it happens and an admin would probably recover your car for you in a “/report 2” if this happens but I think it’s an okay compromise to get cars back from the ocean for how rare this issue is

  2. You could try and appeal it:

    But I’ll be honest with you boss, probably not. Should have appealed your initial ban instead of evading.

  3. In both scenarios it just seems stupid to give demands or evade if it’s so obvious what they’re doing? If they didn’t react then there’d be no consequences surely?

    People striving for better realism is a good thing, absolutely not criticising the main parts of your post, I just think the part of them baiting isn’t really on LEOs for attempting it as much as it is criminals for falling for pretty basic entrapment.

  4. I really don’t get into either side of these situations so I’m only gonna comment on one part that seemed odd:

    You say ‘crim baiting’ but how does that work? Cop baiting is a thing because cops *have* to respond to crime, but it doesn’t quite work the other way around right? Can’t people just not take the bait by attacking or chasing them?

  5. Bumping this again now we have casino chips.
    I saw the excuse someone threw around ages back on another suggestion like this about it being at risk of duplicating but that's pretty irrelevant nowadays since stamps can be sold for money, the pawn shop exists, and casino chips exist, all ways a theoretical duper could make bank if a glitch/cheat like that was even possible.


  6. Suggestion 1:

    this has been suggested many times maybe look at one of the other ones and comment support for the idea

    suggestion 2:

    once you buy 1 top you can buy undershirts with you can use those undershirts with any top. There’s a clothing update in the works that I imagine will make buying undershirts easier though 

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