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Everything posted by Hector2Fingers

  1. As it currently stands, the only way for anyone (PD/MD included) to unlock an interior door is with bolt cutters. Yet, they have the ability to /ram open exterior doors by RP'ing things like breaching rounds in a shotgun, a heavy door breaching ram, etc. It doesn't make much sense to me that these tools would work on exterior doors (which are generally more securable with things like dead bolt locks), but would not work at all against a simple interior door. Most times when Government factions are using bolt cutters are during a breach on a building (ie: drug lab fire). Players are aware that locking one simple door can delay PD by several minutes as bolt cutters fail and break quite often. Many players place 1-3 doors between their exterior door until you are actually into their lab. This makes the RP scenarios involving any lab fires last incredibly long (I've been at several of them lasting well over an hour). Most of this time is spent simply waiting for doors to be bolt cut. I think it makes for very stale RP until the doors are opened and the actual RP can begin. In lieu of adding the /ram command to work on interior doors, I propose that bolt cutters at least be added to Government Factions that would use them through /fl.
  2. I would suggest adding something along the lines of a purchaseable tool kit at general stores that allows users to repair their vehicles on their own. These wouldn't be full repairs, but maybe would repair the vehicle just enough to be driveable. This would allow the owner to put a bandaid solution on their car and able to get it to the mechanics. Maybe increase the hp of the vehicle by 200 that decreases as it's driven and could potentially break down again if the person drives for too long or is too far from the mechanic shop.
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