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Posts posted by Chunder




    Commands List

    Updated: 16th June 2022



    Roleplay Commands

    /me [description] Roleplay command used to describe actions your character performs. (Ex. /me tries to slap a pair of handcuffs around the wrists of Tony Henge. /me tries to move his arms away from the officer, to bring them to his front.)
    /do [description] Roleplay command used to accurately, and truthfully describe an active roleplay scenario. (Ex. /do A strong scent of marijuana would come from the vehicle. /do The CCTV feed would show so and so breaking into the car.)
    /my [description] Roleplay command used the same way as /me, but adds a ‘s after your character name. (Ex. /my phone rings, /my watch is gold, /my left index finger would be sticking upwards, indicating it's broken.)
    /ame [description] Same as /me, but does not appear in chat but rather above your head.
    /amy [description] Same as /my, but does not appear in chat but rather above your head.
    /melow [description] Same as /me, but only appears in chat for those in closer proximity to your character.
    /dolow [description] Same as /do, but only appears in chat for those in closer proximity to your character.
    /Ldo [receiver] [description] Long range /do used to RP further information when an individual is not in the immediate area.
    /fdo [text] Creates a floating /do.
    /removefdo [id] Remove the floating /do that you have placed.
    /listfdo List all of the floating /dos you have placed.



    General Commands


    ` or @ Display scoreboard (Country Dependent Button)
    Press F2 Toggle cursor on and off.
    Press F4 Toggle the factions menu on and off.
    /help or F5 Toggle help menu.
    /cstore or F6 Toggle credit store.
    Press F7 Toggle the U.I on your screen on and off.
    Press F8 Capture a screenshot (screenshots saved to RageMP directory.)
    Press CTRL + X Toggle the context menu.
    Press I Access your inventory, vehicle inventory, or furniture inventory.
    Press CTRL + 0 Toggle animation.
    Press CTRL + 1 Hands Up animation.
    Press CTRL + 2 Pointing finger.
    Press CTRL + 3 Facepalm.
    Press CTRL + 4 Salute.
    Press CTRL + 5 Thumbs up.
    Press CTRL + 6 Dance.
    Hold B Points in direction of cursor while holding.
    Press C Crouch
    Press Q Go to cover.
    /anim [1-12] Displays list of available animations.
    /anim [anim type] Performs a selected animation.
    /duoAnim [ID] [anim type] Offers another player to do an animation with your character. (/duoAnim will give you available duo animations)
    /acceptAnim [ID] Accepts an animation offered from another player.
    /stopAnim Stops current animation.
    /mood [mood type] Changes your characters mood
    /report [1-4] Requests assistance from a staff member.
    /rm Send a message to the staff member who accepted your report.
    /cancelReport Cancels your in game report.
    /stats Check your current stats.
    /salary Check the amount of on duty hours since last paycheck // displays base income.
    /pm [ID] [message] Send personal OOC message to someone.
    /vpm [ID] [message] Sends a free personal text to another player using the VIP system. [VIP ONLY]
    /vip Displays VIP membership expiration status. [VIP ONLY]
    /license [ID] Check your current licenses. Leaving ID blank shows you your own licenses.
    /pay [ID] [amount] Give another player money. (alt: /pay)
    /ncz Displays whether or not you're in an NCZ and what parts of the rule apply at your location.
    /payTicket [ticket ID] Pay a ticket. Must be at police desk, or near officer with RP. Leave blank to show list of tickets.
    /alias [ID] [name] Give someone an alias.
    /policeDesk Access the police menu at a law enforcement station.
    /pet [pet number] Spawn/despawn your pet. No number will show the list of pets.
    /petname [pet number] Names the select pet. (Bugged currently)
    /petfollow [ID] Makes your current pet follow a specific player.
    /feed Feed your pet food
    /payToll Pays a toll
    /analyseWounds [ID] Analyzes a players wounds.
    /myWounds Analyzes your wounds.
    /checkParkingPay Check a vehicle for a parking pay pass
    /mechanic [message] Request a mechanic from the Los Santos Mechanic Services.
    /newsAgency [message] Request a Weazel News employee.
    /acceptOffer Approves a Weazel News advertisement.
    /removeOrderedBlip Turns ordered blip from Weazel News invisible.
    /mechAccept Accepts a mechanics offer.
    /setGPS [House #] [Street] Sets a way point to an address. This will be the UI show at the door.
    /myLoans View loans you have taken from finance companies.
    /payLoans [amount] This will pay the amount you specify towards your loans with the loan company.
    /buzzOffice [message] Send a message to the owner of the loan company.
    /carryBody Pick up an injured player. (Also used to remove injured player from trunk)
    /dropBody Drop an injured player.
    /storeBody Put injured player in trunk. (Must be open and correct vehicle type)
    /leaveTrunk Exit a trunk.
    /follow [ID] Start following someone.
    /unfollow (or K while following) Stop following someone.
    /jtime Displays current jail time.
    /time Displays the server time (UTC).
    /hidehud (true/false) Same as F7 but doesn't hide chat.
    /logout Log off your character to the authentication menu.
    F11 Open Rage Console


    Voice, Radio, Phone, & Speaker Commands


    Press N Talk out loud via voip.
    Press M Talk over the radio via VOIP.
    Press P Talk over the phone via VOIP.
    Press CTRL + Z Change between whisper, normal, or shouting voice proximity. Check the bottom lft to see your current voice mode.
    /w [ID] [message] Whisper (text)
    /cw [message] Whisper to all individuals in the vehicle at once.
    /low [message] Speak quietly.
    /s [message] Shout (text).
    /doorShout [message] Shout through a front door (text).
    /r [message] Talk on your radio.
    /rlow [message] Talk over your radio quietly
    /radioFreq [number] Change radio frequency.
    /myFreq View the radio frequency you're currently on
    /bindRadio [0-9] [frequency] Bind a radio frequency to a hotkey.
    /phone Turns your phone on/off.
    /record Enables recording animation for your character.
    /delPhone Destroy your phone (permanent choice.)
    /charge Charge your phone. (Must have plugged a charger in your home or vehicle via Inventory Menu (Press I))
    /speakerPhone Enables speakerphone while in a phone call. Only shows when other person types.
    /vr [1-3] Resyncs in game VOIP. (1, 2, or 3). Referred to IC as a cough drop.
    /vol [type] [0-100] Changes volume level of Proximity, Radio, Phone, or Speaker.
    /speakerURL [ID] Set station playing through speaker.
    /speakerVolume [ID] [0-100] 100] Increase/Decrease speaker volume.
    /atc Contact air traffic control. Must be in a helicopter.


    World Interaction Menus


    Scroll wheel to change option & Press E to select the option 3YvzANa.png
    Hold G

    Opens up the UI to allow you to select a seat in the car.



    Scripted Job Commands


    /returnVehicle Return your work vehicle at the job headquarters.
    /quitJob Resign from your job (you must return your work vehicle first.)
    /vieworders Check the list of available trucking orders.
    [TRUCKER]: Press Y Open Trucker user interface.
    [TRUCKER]: /cb [message] Truckers radio (text)
    [TRUCKER]: /togglecb Turn on/off truckers radio.
    [GARBAGE]: /unload Unload collected garbage
    [MAIL DELIVERY]: /pickupMail Pick up your orders package
    [MAIL DELIVERY]: /deliverMail Delivers mail to an address
    [TOLLS]: /togglebooth Raise/Lower toll barrier
    [BUS DRIVER]: /cancelRoute Cancel your bus route
    [HUNTING]: /gut Obtain dead animals meat. Requires knife equipped in hand.
    [CORONER]: /bagbody Places a nearby body into a body bag (must be near work vehicle)
    [CORONER]: /storebodybag Places a held body bag into your nearby work vehicle
    [CORONER]: /corr [Call Number] Accept a coroner call
    [CORONER] /coronerrequests Shows the current list of coroner requests.
    [TACO] /ChangeTacoPrice [Price]

    Changes the price that you sell your tacos.


    Food & Drink Commands

    Press E Eat or drink your current item.
    /stopDrinking Stop drinking your drink, throwing it away.
    /stopEating Stop eating your food, throwing it away.
    /buyTaco Purchase taco from taco truck


    Vehicle Commands


    Press K Lock/unlock the nearest vehicle.
    Press L Toggle cruise control.
    Press I Open the vehicle inventory menu.
    Press/Hold G Enter vehicle as passenger
    Press Arrow Left/Arrow Right Vehicle indicators.
    Press Arrow Up/Arrow Down Engine control.
    /showVehicles Show your vehicles locations (If vehicle is in motion, it will not be visible)
    /vehicleStats Provides information on all owned vehicles.
    /cruise [speed] Change maximum speed.
    /modview Vehicle modification selection and preview.
    /giveKey [ID] Give a temporary vehicle key to a player.
    /giveKey [ID] [true] Give a perm vehicle key to a player. Adding true at the end makes it a permanent key.
    /removeKey [ID] Removes a vehicle key from someone you previously gave a key to.
    /removeallkeys Removes all players access to current vehicle.
    /sellVehicle [price] Put your vehicle up for sale at a car market.
    /buyVehicle Purchase a vehicle from a car market
    /cw Whisper to everyone inside of the vehicle you're inside of.
    /neons Enables neon lights under your vehicle (if capable).
    /xenons Toggles xenons.
    /vehsellback Removes your vehicle from the car market.
    /toggleAutoLock Enable/disable automatic locking for vehicles. [VIP ONLY]
    /autoLock [1-10] Set a delay for automatic locking in seconds. [VIP ONLY]
    /eject [ID] Throws a player from the vehicle.
    /transferVehicle [ID] [PLATE] Transfer ownership of a vehicle (Beware of RWT)
    /AcceptTransfer [PLATE] Accepts transfer of a vehicle.
    /carurl Play music through a car speaker (May need to be done twice as its quite buggy)
    /dropanchor Drops the anchor while in a boat.
    /raiseanchor Raises the boat's anchor after it has been dropped.


    Criminal Commands


    /grabCash Starts robbing a general store (Requires 2+ players.)
    /stopGrabCash Cancel a general store robbery.
    /flick Throw away your marijuana blunt.
    /frisk [ID] Sends a request to search someone's inventory.
    /friskApprove [ID] Accept the frisk request.
    /takeBattery [ID] Take someone's phone battery (They must have their hands up)
    /cutHair [ID] Cut off someone’s hair (Requires a knife and they must have their hands up)
    /ringPrison Call a prison guard in prison.
    /exchangeStamps [Amount of stamps] Exchanges stamps for time.
    J With screwdriver or hotwire kit equipped it allows you to hotwire a vehicle.


    General Faction Commands


    /fmute Mutes faction chat.
    /fmembers [0-1] Displays faction members that are online.
    /f [0-1] [message] Send a message to all players online within your faction. /fspawn [vehicle] Spawn a work vehicle
    /badge Shows your government badge.
    /(show)badge [ID] Show your government badge to another player.
    Ctrl D Toggles on or off duty at the faction lockers.
    /fl or /factionloadout Open up the faction's locker UI,


    Property & House Commands


    /buyProperty Purchase a property.
    /sellProperty TRUE [price] List a business property for sale.
    /addPropertyPermission [ID] AccessProperty Lock/Unlock doors.
    /addPropertyPermission [ID] BuildProperty Add player placed furniture to properties.
    /addPropertyPermission [ID] ManageProperty Gives all permissions
    /addPropertyPermission [ID] AccessVending Gives access to manage vending machines.
    /listPropertyPermissions Lists all given permissions
    /checkMail Checks mailbox (Must be inside and at front door)
    /buywarehouse buys the warehouse for the listed price at the door
    /sellwarehouse [true/false] [Price] Sell a warehouse (true) for the stated price | or buy it back (false) for the stated price
    /setinteriorweather [0-14] Change the weather of a property
    /setinteriortime [0-24] Change the time of a property.
    /showHouses Show your houses on the map for a short period of time | Cost: $500
    /checkMail Checks mailbox (Must be inside and at front door)


    Furniture Placement & Movement



    Ctrl X then right click edit Edits furniture. (Note: Doesn't work well with some objects such as glass)
    Enter Place the furniture.
    Backspace Cancel placement
    R Resets where the furniture is
    G Opens grid mode. Multiple presses changes the size.
    Up arrow Increases placment speed
    Down Arrow Decreases placement speed
    Right/Left Arrow Toggles mode (Position, Rotation, Relative)
    F2 Bring up mouse so you can drag the X,Y or Z to move the furniture
    P Place furniture on the floor.
    /removeFurniture Removes the closest piece of player placed furniture near you.
    /accessDoorType [0-2] Customize who can use the door. 0 : accessible by owner/faction. 1 : accessible by code. 2: accessible by payment.


    Blood Commands


    /SetVolumeBloodFX Changes the volume of the blood effect.
    /SetHueBloodFX Allows you to change color of the blood effect.
    /SetBrightnessBloodFX Changes the brightness of the blood.
    /SetGrayscaleBloodFX Allows you to make the blood black and white.
    /ToggleBloodFX Turns off the blood
    • Like 16
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  2. I don't wanna be that guy but you can have up to 5 vehicles out at once if you purchase VIP. Maybe instead of a change how parking works, I do agree its very frustrating trying to swap vehicles when you have too many out so maybe being able to take out more in the vicinity of the parking lots would be great.

    • Like 2
  3. -1 but just for non-consented perma prison.

    I have always agreed that life sentences should be a thing however I do agree that it does limit that RP that they can do on that character. Prison scripting is very limited so it always depends on other inmates and guards to make it fun. This is something that DOC as a faction is constantly developing.
    This was semi-discussed IC yesterday and a large issue is when it comes to overcrowding. We cannot extend the prison cellblock in anyway so more perma prisoners means more inmates which is more guards allocated to babysit and tend to these inmates. Especially if these perma prisoners are forced into prison unwillingly on an OOC level then it would just be negative for the prisoners and the DOC faction.

    We have been considering alternatives to perma prison that might fix some of these issues and make the RP more interactive for perma inmates however it is still being discussed.

    End of the day, I would only be fine if the character wanted to be perma prisoned and there was enough IC reasoning behind it, such as being a serial killer.

    • Like 1
  4. In any case I believe it should be more about the activity of the business rather than the activity of the player. For instance, if the store isn't stocked for X amount of time then it will be marked inactive.
    This is also actively tracked IC with licensing, maybe instead of making it OOC then the government can more actively track the licenses being paid and also check the stock themselves actively.

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  5. +1
    I personally don't see any issue with an event like this occurring. If people don't want to take part then, such as the case of all in game events, they don't have to. It'll be just a bit of fun for those interested in being a part!

    • Like 1
  6. Hey there! Welcome!
    First off being nervous for the first time is absolutely fine. You're more than welcome to type while playing if you're kinda shy. Take it slow and place at your own pace. There may not be many recent video guides out there but everyone is super friendly when you play and they'll hopefully all assist you!
    If you have any questions then feel free to ask here or in our discord!

  7. -1

    This make no sense with the context of the server rules. There's literally a rule that states "asking to be killed or forcing your own death" and any command to cause this would be a breach.
    You are more than welcome to RP heart attacks and such but forcing your character's death is not allowed.

  8. If you have DM rights on them then you can full kill them.
    Here's the DM rules:

    14. Deathmatch (DM)

    • Deathmatching is the act of attacking a player without a proper IC motive and interaction.
    • Prior interaction should include escalation such as a robbery or a report to the police.
    • Players on foot should only be attempted to be hit with a vehicle once with valid motive.
    • Vehicles cannot be used as weapons in active shootouts unless where unavoidable.
    • Players must be able to explain their reason and provide proof of prior reasoning if requested.
    • If a player informs you that your VOIP isn’t working, you must either fix your VOIP using appropriate commands or use text to deliver your demand.
  9. I have updated the main suggestions post with a few new ideas! You can read them below and on the main post!

    If you have any ideas then feel free to DM me!


    Update # 1

    F4 Update

    The SADOC has been very busy IC making new divisions and pushing for awesome new stuff but we are currently being restricted somewhat OOCly by what we can do with our faction in F4. For example we have recently founded CID, a division similar to DB and SIB where we can investigate situations that happen in the cellblock. We are limited by not having access to a lot of the things that SIB and CID have.

    Here are some thoughts we have about changes for our F4:

    • Taking people through emergency areas - DOC is the only gov faction that can’t drop people off through places like pillbox. We have to take them out of the vehicle and use the /dropbody.

    • Speakers & MDCs in vehicles - The first one is just for fun really but the second would help when out and about, especially on transports where we can check the people we are transporting.

    • New Branch in F4 - a detective branch that allows fingerprint tape and other DB things to help us fingerprint stolen items and smuggled items to see who owns them to charge them.

    • CTRL U - Giving ctrl U to both the new CID branch for detective stuff (giving the opportunity for epic undercover cellblock RP) and Ctrl U for High Command to allow them to be able to wear their own uniform and be more noticeable.

    • Ability to use flatbeds - The DOC has the wonderful groundskeeping division and they have recently started writing up a vehicle handbook. It would be awesome for the kind of mechanic RP they want to take part in if they had access to the ability to use tow trucks.



    This has been covered previously but due to recent awesome updates and dev images there are a lot of awesome new ideas with how some of these can work!

    • Laundry - This can be done very similar to how the hotwiring system was mentioned in #development where a player needs to press space at a certain point. This will allow them to make a small amount of stamps for cleaning clothes.



    • Groundskeeping - This can be done very similar to how the incidents work where there’s small things around the cellblock that respawn for inmates to pick up. Same as the incidents, this will take some time and reward them with some credits.


    Removing Old Yard
    The Old Yard has been unused for around a year and a half now and it is a detriment for employees as they always fall in. We have no reason for it anymore as its just blocking off a large portion of the interior of the prison that could be used for a lot of things.



    There is no way to go into it and I don’t believe we’ll ever need it.

    Fixing Doors
    Currently opening double doors are a pain in the butt. Pressing E to the side only opens one of them and then pressing E slightly closer locks one and open the other. For double doors it would be awesome if E opened them both to avoid one of them being closed and one being open as it can get very hard and annoying to deal with especially with pesky inmates.

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  10. The increase of stamp is probably just an unintended side effect of other store reworks.
    I have posted a bug report here:

    I completely agree that a full stamp rework would be the biggest benefit to SADOC right now, as seen in my post that Harley has linked.

  11. Date and time (provide timezone): 15/04/2022 18:32 UTC

    Character name: Kourtney Lafleur

    Issue/bug you are reporting: The price of food for inmates has increased.

    Expected behavior:  The price of the items in the store have almost doubled, making it impossible for inmates to buy food and drink.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate





    Vehicle license plate number*

    • Like 4
  12. Try this:


    This will usually happen when there's a program on your computer causing RAGE:MP to crash (programs that try inject into the RAGE:MP process) which for the most part is overlays(things that overlay over your game like Discord overlay). To quickly find out, close all background processes you possibly can on your PC and try to run RAGE:MP again, if it works, it means you had a program running that's causing RAGE:MP to crash. A list of common programs will be listed below.


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