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Posts posted by krooks365

  1. With all due respect, and I mean that sincerely because you have always been fair and even minded when it comes to matters of eclipse. 

    Look at Rooks, look at LNF, look at FSO (prior to having to defend themselves from a not needed conflict). I think those groups specifically the first two do a pretty good job of roleplaying in a more balanced way. And what they get is disrespect from other crims telling them that their RP is not valid "Crim RP". For example FSO had such a huge emphasis on laundering from a legal front and events - and we were constantly told by other crims that we were a joke or "legals with imports". I have constantly heard that LNF is joke from other crims because of their low numbers, low visibility, and less aggressive playstyle. It is clear that there is a huge undercurrent of current criminals that do not feel a more balanced playstyle is valid.

    To be frank I think the biggest enemy to crim rp right now is the toxicity of the players within it. The fact that ooc toxicity has pervaded into high ranking members of factions and not punished, factions allowing their members to press forward with toxic behaviors without checking it has led to this toxic environment that no one wants to play in. 

    Am I less than happy with some of the changes? Absolutely. But I can adjust. What truly makes me not want to play is the players referencing my OOC life, shouting at me to save pov every single interaction I have with them, and the fact that I had people get upset about a video game and dox me. Some people are simply unable to split their IC and OOC lives and its gotten toxic to a point that no one enjoys. That is truly the greatest enemy of vibrant crim rp right now to me, not PD.


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  2. The explanations of LA and all that is so fundamentally misleading. I loved in LA for 25 years and I NEVER saw gangs in mass numbers with heavy weapons all wearing the same colors in the same colored cars grouping up. Even out in the boonies. 

    Are the cops in the US outnumbered? Yes. Are they outpowered? No. And when gangs kill cops and the NG get involved do criminals ever win? No. They might escape down to Mexico for a bit but when criminals mess up and kill a cop they are in jail eventually. 

    I really do understand the frustration with PD, I do. The prison times are too long and too many cops are happy to give you every single charge they can to make you stay there as long as possible. (Not all but there are a good few that do and they know who they are) no one wants to sit in DOC for longer than they planned on playing for that week. (Looking at you 10hr+ sentences)  and the whole "then don't do crime" just is a slap accross the face to every criminal who roleplays to help keep rp interesting from a criminal perspective. 

    No one roleplays criminal because they are fundamentally bad and just wants to kill cops etc and so DOC rp 24/7. And while there definently are consequences for your actions there is a point where these sentences are too harsh and cross over into ooc punishment territory. 

    However! Gangs currently be wilding. The statement "sometimes we just wanna group up 80 deep and show off our heavies" is just silly. If you are grouped up that deep your going to be hit by PD heavily if they find you and the expectation that PD /wouldn't/ is asking FAR too much. You want less PD on your shoulders then stop killing them at every 10-55, stop rolling around en masse with heavies, stop doing shootouts that LEO have to answer to and investigate multiple times a day, stop "showing off" your heavies. Find better more hidden spots to meet. Triads constantly were having our meetings found by PD so we had to find many different more hidden spots and communicate them better. Eventually we had them inside a warehouse and build the warehouse so that it was defensible. There are RP options to take advantage of. I have a character that has literally been running around with a gun for weeks on a bike and I've been pulled over multiple times and still have it - why? Because I'm not giving PD all the evidence they need to know that I am a criminal. 

    A lot of these issues with new rules and such that we take issue with... Are our collective fault for them needing to be implemented. I am hopeful they can be eased in the future to allow less restriction to roleplay. But as it is it's about adjusting to what is the vision of the staff for the server. 

    I really support balas idea of the head staff communicating some sort of vision to the player base. This would allow those who are interested to jump on board and push that line of RP forward and those who feel it doesn't fit their play style the warning to not invest their time. 

    Do I miss Crim RP of 2018-2019? Yes I do. However it is clear that is not the vision of what they want Crim RP to be now. So either we can adjust to align with the vision or we can't. 

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  3. I suggest temporary repair kits that you can use on your vehicle if it is permastalled. The effect would be to render it able to drive at an extremely slow speed (or to be pushed perhaps) for a certain amount of distance or a short about of time. I personally suggest the time frame option. Make it long enough that you could push/drive it to a mechanic shop but not long enough to go through a chop process.

    Why do I suggest this? It so frustrating when you are a new (or established) player starting out and you have 1 vehicle and it gets stolen and perm stalled on the side of the road. You call a taxi to your car and then you call for a mechanic and sit. For upwards of an hour most times. I sat for 2 hours with no response. Either there aren't enough players to run the tow trucks to do these repairs or there are too many calls for them to handle them all in a timely manner OR the mechanics are not interested in taking the tow trucks out for repairs. 

    It would be better if there was a queue. You could know that you are x out of x requests. That way if you are 1/1 requests and your standing for an hour you know that there are not mechanics working these requests so you can go continue on to other RP other than waiting by your vehicle. However I think the repair kits would be helpful. Don't make them so that you can continue to drive your car but just enough juice to make it to LSC or Bayview. At least there you can sit and wait for mechanics you can see.

    Make the time frame short enough that one could not chop the vehicle OR just make it so that the chops will not chop vehicles in this condition. That will stop anyone from just fixing permastalled vehicles to chop them.


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  4. 26 minutes ago, Bala said:

    The current state of Eclipse Roleplay, that's quite the dramatic thread title but in the interest of contributing to the thread, I'll share some of my insight into this.

    Honestly, if you just use these kind of threads to bash a particular faction then you aren't going to be taken seriously and at the very least you'll likely be ignored to be honest. Every one wants to have their opinion and be heard and feel that they matter but you aren't going to get anywhere by making enemies of people. 

    Part of the reason why I spent so long doing my criminal overhaul thread is that I can sympathise with the other side of the coin but lately when I see some of the attitudes and rude comments from some of you, I do question why I bothered. I could see why staff or developers might be reluctant to take some of you seriously or support your area of the server. Because if you are getting abuse from people, why would you support that or them?

    The whole PD v. Criminal thing needs to fucking stop. That's why people don't pay no attention to these threads, because it turns into a PD dart board. I'm not going to sit here and defend my faction because I've done it on other threads but honestly for us, it really isn't that deep. We could give a shit who we are arresting, it's about what you've done but for some of you, you would think you'd caught PD in bed with your mother or something by the way you hold a grudge. Let that shit go OOC, because if you do happen to have valid points but you start coming out with 'fuck pd rhetoric', you're going to waste your time.

    If you are focusing on other factions are losing or winning, you're missing the fucking point. It's not about winning and losing, it's about how you get there.
    Creating characters to populate, progress and fulfil stories.

    Eclipse has until recently in my opinion, been an every man kind of server. You'd have some great role-players, some decent role-players and some shit role-players but my interpretation of what's coming from the higher up staff is that we want to raise the standard of role-play within this community, which personally I'm on board with. This was never a heavy role-play server in any sense of the word, but that does not mean the server has not been successful or that it's not enjoyable.

    That being said, if we're going that way and I sincerely hope we are, we cannot fuck about with half measures and it needs to be a large effort on behalf of players AND staff to achieve this. It isn't an instant or easy process, but if you want a better role-play server, it's an necessary process.

    • Factions that are not here to contribute towards the role-play, that have an over-reliance on shooting and create OOC tension within the community need to be disbanded or at the very least, their leaders replaced BEFORE the rot sets in.
      In my opinion, a faction is only as good as the person ultimately in charge.
    • We need to demand more from every faction in terms of their role-play output.
      Whether you are legal, illegal, new or established, crim or PD. Every single faction should be held to the same standard.
    • Just as we should ask more from factions, we should also be more supportive of factions that demonstrate good roleplay.
      There are a bunch of ways that we can be add support to factions, including stuff like faction of the month, creating script stuff that ties in with their lore, giving good factions a chance at official etc..
    • Punishments for OOC toxicity need to be stronger and consistent.
      End of the day, if you don't have anything nice or constructive to say, you shouldn't say anything.
      I say that as someone that has been on their final warning for OOC attitude, for the last year.
    • Punishments for excessive local ooc (/b) and the passive aggressive #savepov mentality needs to get in the fucking bin.
      We all know only admins can stop a role-play situation. Constantly pulling a situation out of IC into OOC because you're AnGrY aNd UpSeT ruins what might potentially be a legitimate RP scenario.
      If you are going to report, conclude the RP with some dignity and then report.
    • Be ruthless with the quizzes. We shouldn't sell the server short, but place a high price on being able to play in Eclipse. 
      As older players leave or get removed, they need to be cycled out with newer, better role-players.
      If you do not a concept of how to create a character and portray that character, you can't play here.
      If you do not understand even the basic rules of this server before you enter it, you can't play here.
    • Personally, I'd really like for the head administrators or developers to come out with a clear vision of what they want Eclipse Roleplay to become in say the next 10 months and then we tailor every single rule update, script implementation, community directive and change to realising that vision and with that direction in mind rather than essentially trying to fight whatever the latest fire is. 

    I think the last one is especially important because it's something that affects all of us regardless of position, faction, status and history within the community.
    Rather than every corner of the server having it's own ideals and standards of how they think the server should be, if you have a central vision then inevitably it brings interested people together.

    That's how you go from having a role-play server to having a gaming community and ultimately, it's the latter that will always give you more enjoyment.

    I feel like this is the best and most heartfelt forum post i've written on Eclipse but I know there's people out there that fuck with this like I do as well.

    ^ All of that tbh

  5. This comes down to what type of server eclipse is working itself to be. Is it going to be the server that is the first step for beginners and their first introduction to RP? Then +1 to this. But I also think there is some merit to putting the onus on the players to figure it out themselves as well.  If they want to promote more heavy RP and make this a more raised up community then there should be a learning curve, and not learning it means you are weeded out. 

    I personally don't feel that someone who cannot figure it out is a positive addition to the community. I don't want that misconstrued as no empathy for the new player but I don't feel that we should be holding peoples hands when it comes to basic rule understanding and use of the commands. There are guides on the forums on how to RP and how to use the commands that they could utilize to learn while they wait on their quiz and also streams they can watch.

    If anything perhaps an update/edit/new guide could be written to go into the guides section of the forums.

  6. It's not my job to make sure other players know and understand the rules. There are plenty of streams to watch, plenty of videos up, there are guides on the server on how to RP how to use the commands, etc. Yes we all started from somewhere (even myself not knowing the buttons when I came in for the first time and accidentally punched a guy in the face) but we learn through playing it is not any players responsibility to teach you how to play responsibly and within the rules. If you are unable or unwilling to learn on your own through play and you do not understand the rules enough to apply it to your play then that is on you not the player base. 

    'Blindly kicking/punishing players instead of giving them the opportunity to learn will just lead to a dead server'

    This is not how punishments are done. When there is a report that involves a new player, depending on the severity of a breach, the staffs first step to always educate (especially if it is a new player). I cant tell you the amount of times that I spent more than an hour talking someone through the rules (who obviously hadn't read them thoroughly enough to understand). The only times I gave new players actual punishments were if 1) they already had warnings for the same thing on their record or 2) they gave an unacceptable attitude to me when I was trying to educate which demonstrated that they had no willingness to learn. 

    No staff member is out here blinding punishing new players without reason. And if you really truly feel that there is a staff member doing this I highly recommend that you report it to a head admin with your evidence so they can look into it. The first step EVERY staff member is supposed to take is to educate. But if I spent more than an hour trying to explain a /me to someone while they insult me the whole time yeah they are gonna get a punishment.

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  7. We didn’t always see eye to eye ICly but Tyrone I appreciate you for always coming to the table to handle things with respect. All in all you guys accomplished so much from those first days that we met you all in the brown grey camo gear. I know its not easy disbanding a faction after pouring blood sweat and tears into it for as long as you guys did so much respect and best wishes for whatever you go on to from here.



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  8. U9nuvIU0S0bcmsI_J6R1kPgBauhpbWpldYWiZ42VinXAplKfYuPsUDPCp7x5_7dSRDeB0gWWrcY5JPJ9Q1-LU19VuuW-9S6TmUQnkrTw32Y5snIZ5AFSvNPxBhPgahekoX10ZpPo


    We didn’t always see eye to eye ICly but respect you all for accomplishing everything you did accomplish. I know it's not easy disbanding a faction after pouring blood sweat and tears into it for as long as you guys did. Be proud of all your accomplishments they wont be forgotten. Respect and best wishes for whatever you go on to from here.

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  9. Y'all need to get off the conspiracy theory bend like seriously. 

    It's as simple as this: the issues perpetuate and continue because we allow them to. If you want to see change then be an active part of making the change happen with you IC behavior and actions. 

    I'm not hurt or concerned when you throw random conspiracies my way and play the victim. None of ANYTHING you have pointed out is even close to things anyone in my faction has done or perpetrated. I will worry about my chickies and y'all should worry about yours. 

    But on the real tho stop being so toxic with the one word or sentence responses. It's not helpful to the overall conversation. Neither is this particular side ramp we have ended up on. 

    • Like 6
  10. The ooc toxicity, rule play, and hypocrisy is the worst things about Crim RP right now. And until both sides can sit and think about how to fix it it's not going to fix. 

    You can see it immediately at play when someone who has contributed to it most comes in here and posts like he hasn't. (Not you OP)

    When I can't play without a constant meme of "what petty thing is my faction going to be reported for today" it's a problem. 

    Some of you state that these issues are an IC issue and then when you are beat go crying to staff about it or reporting every little thing. All I can say is make up your mind. Is it an IC issue or isn't it? 

    It seemed to be an IC issue whilst 4+ gangs hunted my faction in a 60v20 conflict. It seemed to be an IC issue when 4 different factions were operating as one escalating a conflict that didn't need to exist. All of a sudden tho, now that we have our own allies and are winning it needs to be discussed and fixed oocly. Okay.

    Now we just sit somewhere not even interacting with the other side and 60+ people including randoms from lithuania who logged on for just that come just to shoot. So is it IC issue or isn't it?

    If it's not an IC issue then maybe stop feeding into it with IC actions. Maybe hold your factions accountable to that. 

    I can tell you that FSO took more than a week where they were not allowed to do anything against the other side but we're able to defend themselves when hit. The # of incidents that still happened were ridiculous coming from players that claim they want to "focus on rp" and not shootouts.

    Until leadership from both sides can honestly put their foot down and hold their groups accountable it's not gonna happen. Until a leader is willing to kick their member who disobeys and continues the same actions we want to see less of its not gonna happen. 

    You want to see improvement here is what you do (every leader): remove players from your faction who: 1) post petty reports, 2) spam in /b, 3) only want to shoot, 4) are oocly toxic, 5) roleplay situations to their favor. 

    The only way for improvement is to stop perpetuating the environment that exists right now by allowing it to exist.


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  11. 6 minutes ago, givejoshamosin said:

    The players and leadership need to make a communal decision to move on and fix the current state of affairs otherwise it's just going to stay the same until one side gets bored and leaves the server.

    Then I suggest the best thing to do it to speak to your groups leadership about this. This suggestion only works if everyone is willing to come to the table and agree to stop this behavior. That unfortunately is not something people seem willing to do at this time. Otherwise you wouldn't see rampant conflict and engagements happening literally the same day leadership seemingly "agree"  to stop engaging in such.

  12. 4 hours ago, Aldarine said:

    However, instead of viewing our roleplay environment on a large scale as it should, organizations have the tendency to have this desire to assert dominance over ECRP - they want to be the biggest and baddest organization on the server. I apologize but this is a poor mindset and one that we should look to pull away from. Neighborhoods exist, turfs exist and these should be used to promote your dominance in a realistic area of influence. Why would an organization that operates out of Grapeseed want anything to do with an organization on Grove Street? Why would a German organization that focuses on prostitution and operates primarily in Mirror Park continuously scout out an Asian organization that focuses on drug trade and operates in Little Seoul? These examples don't make sense and really if you think about it one of the biggest factors that contribute to odd actions like this is the mindset of wanting to be at the top. I truly believe we are all adults here and when we roleplay our characters in these organizations we need to do much better about understanding that a state has more than enough room for a considerable number of factions. There is no reason that smaller gangs are practically forced to disband due to not having numbers or because they have no choice but to submit to somebody who is quite literally never in their area of influence and wants it simply because others have it.

    5 hours ago, Lola Millers said:

    The problem begins within the player base. When people stop prioritising gang-to-gang conflict as the most exciting thing to do on the server, then things will begin to improve. 


    Rules, Alliances, Joint Freqs are not the problem - they are a side effect of the Dominance Mindset that is so prevalent in the majority of criminal players and gangs. There is NO rp reason for a majority of the actions I have observed as of late other than a desire to PVP and swing your dick around like your the biggest baddest organization in the entire city. This change can only happen when players and factions (and their leadership) decide to focus on RP and its vast opportunities over just logging in to shoot as soon as you magically stumble your way into dm rights.   

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  13. g001WrZp4mOqQ4EMg8Nj6CgJl-9B6pN7Swu1hwB5qKD-P4sFvWFCitS5ZfaWeepxhCzpTO9oJKqQTIJ6nE-AO-8A7K8m_GZkqzEihR7XgrB2QQrOjLq9LHtZoU9_D8ayJGmsk0Gk

    Although the current fighting had little to no impact on FSO overall operations it didn't mean there wasn't move for continual improvement across the organization and its allies. FSO high command met to discuss two issues of concern: imports and territory. Firstly we wanted to discuss a strategic plan to start gun sales to the people of Los Santos. We wanted to refine the process through which guns were distributed to our allies and also to the regular people of Los Santos.  Our people had all fair chance to stock themselves up and now was the time to figure out how to distribute the guns throughout the rest of the city. That was our directive given by the cartel and as thus we wanted to make good on our promise to make these guns available to them. 

    FSO also felt a sort of responsibility as to the use of these guns they were selling. Above all FSO honors and respects Little Seoul and its citizens. They could not continue that mandate of protection if they popped to much up on the radar. Cops patrolling the streets was the last thing we wanted. As of such we wanted to ensure that those who purchased these "products" were not in turn bringing heat and attention to our organization and area of Little Seoul.

    A meeting was set with many of the major organizations in the city as well as our closes allies, Irish and TRCC. Meeting first with Rooks we discussed whether they wanted to match gun prices and such. We came to an agreement that, providing we did not sell any guns in the Del Perro area, they did not overly care what price we set. We left the meeting feeling continued positivity with our relations with Rooks.


    We met with La Nostra Famiglia to go over the new process for ordering. To ensure that groups were receiving what they needed in a timely manner and that our resources could be properly shared we had new requirements and process to our orders which we shared with LNFFSO highly appreciates the leader and high command of LNF for always being available to meet, discuss the situations within the city, and FSO always looks for how they can lend a helping hand when it is needed. Next FSO looked forward to the joint meeting called by Lance Slash, of The Royal Clown Crew. 

    Everyone felt at east amongst friends. Every shared names and numbers. These were the homies, when your back was against a wall any one of these wonderful people would come to help. Charlie appreciated most the diversity in the group. One of the most sacred tenets of this alliance being that every group maintain their independence and individual flavor. When you looked around the area you saw members of different organizations, friends as a result of consistent steady hard work from all groups, yet still distinct. There was no mistaking a member of Irish for a Clown, or a Clown for a FSO. Everyone fiercely proud of their organization and their individuality but tied together through long history of cooperation. 


    The high commands stepped to the side to discuss the changes to ordering that FSO would be enacting. We knew that it would be a little bit more of a pain for every organization involved but that it was necessary for our overall goals. After explaining it all the leadership of both organizations understood and agreed to these terms. Many things were discussed from the current conflict to expanding territories, to upcoming events. The biggest topic however was an intentional one.  FSO from the very beginning and even before the conflict had stood against how gangs operated in the city. The gangs (which the exception of Rooks) were too flashy, too loud, too dependent on alliances to stand on their own, always looking to someone else for permission to do something. FSO, Irish, and TRCC dreamed of something more.  The three groups talked about the future and specifically their desire to not simply replace the large alliance with another one - but rather to turn all of the systems that the current gangs relied upon on their head. The meeting was very productive.


    Another topic that the high command of FSO had discussed was territory. Their successes had created an environment where the Asian population in Little Seoul was booming. Charlie had personally seen undocumented members of families arriving regularly on boats and seen to them being reunited with their family. It broke her heard to see families residing in small apartments 14 or 15 people deep. Something had to be done.  While brainstorming ideas she had an idea. She knew there was unclaimed territory just next to Little Seoul. It had once been largely inhabited by another minority but as of late it was for the most part left abandoned. She took her BMX out and surveyed the area to see if it had the space she was thinking of.


    She took the time to get a feel for the neighborhood, what housing was available for sale, and whether or not there was a base that she could house FSO operations out of to help those of the citizens that moved out here. After some looking she found the perfect business, a laundromat just inside the neighborhood. It lay vacant and ready for new owners. Charlie had some people in mind.  


    She got back to Noodle, her brain full of ideas. Pulling out her phone she knew just who to trust with this job. Her own adopted children had the capability to handle such a project perfectly. She texted them:

    "Ling, Tommy, I entrust an important project to you. I have purchased some property out in Strawberry and moved a few of our families over their temporarily. Please go check on them, see how they are faring, look at the neighborhood, ask about the Laundromat, and find out whether the neighborhood might be suitable for us to start some operations and help relieve some of the over crowing in Little Seoul. Let me know when it is finished."

    She put her phone away and lighting a cigarette settle back in her chair at the Noodle House. Exhaling a large billow of smoke she smiled to herself. Proud of her organization - a family... continued through refinement and expansion. She loved watching how this group grew. Who knew what else would come.

    To be continued....


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  14. When these alliances stifle creativity and make people say "why bother creating a faction or trying to reach official" because the second they do get established or official, an official gang is going to come up with some reason not based in RP or build up to attempt to exterminate your entire faction with more numbers than any fledgling faction can hope to have, that's a problem. 

    If you are feeling that FM is stifling your RP you should ask yourself three questions: 1) does my RP fit within my factions lore and history,  2) does my RP fit within the servers rules, and 3) does my RP follow proper escalation regarding the roleplay I am engaged in. If the answer to all three of those questions are yes then you wont have a problem with FM its as simple as that. If you feel that you still have a problem with FM I encourage you to bring it to your handlers so it can be discussed with FM as a whole.

    In terms of FM I do want to state that talking to them does actually work. After we were denied official the first time I spoke to my handlers about wanting more communication and visibility. They quickly offered this and now we have monthly meetings and our communication has greatly increased. Sometimes talking to your handlers about what support you would like and what support you don't need really does solve some of these concerns.

    Eclipse has been moving in a new direction for over a year now. It is evident that crim rp has to change with it. IMO Gangs should be smaller, they should be more realistically holding to their lore, they should be claiming smaller chunks of the city and disputes over those smaller chunks should follow. To be frank a gang based in paleto shouldn't give two fucks about a gang down in strawberry unless some massive incident has happened. Gangs should have business relations that are dynamic to each individual gang. These large alliances are just not realistic. One gang giving the finger to one other gang shouldn't mean you have 4+ gangs on your ass at any one time for that one reason. Every gang should be able to demonstrate how they can stand on their own two feet irrespective of alliances before they are given official just imho. Killing people over and over again because "you pissed off people accept the IC consequences" is ludacris.

    RP is going to be what you make of it. And just because you don't like someone else's Crim RP doesn't mean its not valid.

    However: I do support changes / bringing back the old labs. Those were such a huge hub for RP within the Crim world. Nothing beat a LSD shootout over who would control it. Obviously they need to be appropriately nerfed so that the drug trade is not too OP. I also support improvements to DOC so that it is playable and actually good for RP when you are stuck in there. The DOC faction has done a fantastic job of bringing some solutions to the table and I wanna see that continue. Furthermore I support adjusting the robbery rules where able to make them more fluid and playable however they should still be realistic. Large car convoys are just not realistic. Unless you live in Mexico or a country that is overrun by cartels/ gangs these just simply do not happen where huge gang car convoys speed through a city. This game is set in America specifically  modelled off of Los Angeles. And someone who lived in Los Angeles for over 25 years I can tell you these convoys do not happen. These blatant carrying of heavies out in the public does not happen. Multiple gang alliances do not happen.  And the RP here on eclipse is shockingly absent of the gang activity that DOES realistically happen.


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