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Posts posted by CalvinKlein

  1. On 10/4/2023 at 1:25 AM, Victor Einhart said:

    If you had stayed in cover and not stepped out into gunfire, you probably could have killed every single one of those officers.

    Press Q to take cover. It's overpowered.

    With q there’s some angles where u think you’re hidden and ppl can see your arm/leg and shoot u while on ur pov it looks like being shot through the wall 

  2. 3 hours ago, Requiem said:

    Let's try to keep the comments constructive rather than just putting a -1 or something toxic. If you disagree with the suggestion, then state why so all sides can be considered. 

    It you’re worried about being IA reported just stick to being fair and realistic with your RP and follow your factions guidelines / IC rules , already many things that are “IC” for criminals are considered OOC, the list goes from Nonrp Robbery (robberies / risk / reward being IC) , to convoys rule , backup rule , 30 member faction cap , joint freqs , and many other things where if you dare do something like this that’s IC, you are met with OOC punishment however for PD if there’s a scuffed situation you’re in “it’s IC, file IA” so as I started my message with if you’re worried about being IA reported play by your book, if you can’t, leave PD it’s not for you, but to try and remove the ONLY system and create OOC rules to help you not have accountability ? that’s just scuffed, maybe this could be the case if there was a proper justice system / courts etc , but rn you play judge jury executioner and operate under guilty till proven innocent, and if you want to refute in court you still do your time and wait 2-4 months if not longer. So why is it that anything not in LEOs favor they always ask for it to be OOCly regulated while anything from their end is to be considered IC., no matter who you are with less OOC / server wise / FM rules specifically made for cops the way gangs have those rules , if someone from PD is worthy of a complaint by all means they should be able to, I don’t see forum reports made about 10 pd cars chasing ONE mid tier vehicle all going top speed in the city because it’s “IC / “strategy” and “tactics” so unless there was a form of OOC balance made , possibly rules from FM for PD to ensure that balance then we can look into things like making it realistic for this person / that person to file or not file an IA complaint, to me it just sounds like you piss off criminals , get IA reported and then complain thinking OH it’s nonrp 

    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, Puzzling said:

    If there were to be physical cash, then we shouldn't have it in /stats anymore and it should ALL be physical, and no more /givecash stuff. Which just seems silly and inconvenient for general gameplay

    I mean it could even be both? having 50k shows in /stats , and you could /givecash or /pay but instead of that money being invisible it’s there as an item, (similar to how stamps are with 0 vol) 

  4. 1 minute ago, Puzzling said:

    Yeah, you should be able to get it when someone dies, sorry that was worded a bit funky...

    Yeah I didn’t get why are you disagreeing with the concept then, that if player x had 50,000 on them for example, upon frisking them there’d be an item “cash” with “inspect” to show you 50,000 that you could take, or upon their death that item would be in their inv , I’m not suggesting some new item to be made, same system persists just when you have cash at hand it’s an inv item, this way u could hide cash, hand over , etc 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Puzzling said:

    -1 to make it a physical object, but you should be able to get it upon dying if you had cash on you. 

    As for the whole keeping cash on you is worthless, consider buying anything from the general stores or gun stores purchasable by cash only. Unsure if they are, but allow all stores to have an ATM inside of them that works.

    What do you mean “you should get it upon dying” if I kill you and you had cash on you, it should transfer to your inv and players should be able to take it rather than it disappearing as it would now

  6. 29 minutes ago, SuBDivisions23 said:

    This isnt about Economics, it's about the players, something your failing to realise. Why do you think LSC is empty most of the time? Why should somebody put literal weeks or even months of effort into moving up in a company to make less then someone who just arrived.


    If you truly think the economy is that ruined and your an expert on it, then please make a suggestion detailing fixes for the economy itself


    Also scripted jobs are boring but they shouldnt completely blow government jobs out of the water. Why does a man delivering parcels make more then an lspd officer?  There is a risk with those but at the end of the day you can just go back to work, that's not an option for gov jobs if you get fired. Once your Fired, your done you cant go back there. You have to start all over at a new place or wait to reinstate. I dont see how freelance jobs have a higher risk then government jobs, especially LSPD/LSSD and LSEMS. They are supposed to be quick cash for in a pinch, not the main source of cash. Again, economics aside this is about the PLAYER and the gameplay, to keep people coming back to play those jobs and eclipse as a whole.

    I agree with you on some points but to the “why do you think LSC is always empty” 

    I think that’s a LSC issue not a server/economy issue, as you look at its counterpart (bayview) and you see they’re always active and packed, so was LSC before; with the same pay so I don’t think those two things are correlated 

  7. 1 minute ago, Scales said:

    Yeah I just don’t want to spam the appeal section, do you think I should make a normal appeal for my main punishment or something else just for MrSilky to be aware I am trying to contact him?

    I’m not a staff member but the standard procedure I’m aware of entails you posting an appeal (not spam) and staff would ping him then he’d deal with your situation accordingly, whether by inquiring you, or giving you a statement, or a “discussion” that’s really depending on him and the nature of your situation which I don’t know 

  8. 8 minutes ago, Erin Faustin said:

    A wealth of economic information proves you're wrong. Most costs are drawn by investors and executives as well as regional regulations, not regular labour. Source: My economics degree.

    guys this is a gta server where money is just spawned by the script , the economy of the server while on a very surface level may have relation to real world economics but it’s not the case 

  9. 7 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    Without getting into a drawn out economy debate, my opinion is simple: there should be more bonuses for doing your faction job.

    ex. mechanics should be paid a small bonus for each vehicle they fix, taxi drivers a small bonus for each fare they take and so on.

    This should alleviate any concerns about farming money since it requires active participation.

    +1 as I have initially suggested.


    It’ll reward those employees for “grinding” within their job and incentivize them to not just sit and try avoiding work to farm money.

    if player x did 50 taxi rides in one day he should be paid more than player y who’s parked chatting in legion square letting everyone else take the calls.

  10. Just now, Tom Solar said:

    I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure this was always a thing, LSC asks for your ID and Bayview doesn't, its just a difference between city and paleto companies. They have a blacklist and they cant enforce it if people don't show their id.

    it’s IC anyways but I was just giving my 2 cents

    also it wasn’t always the case up until a few years ago and LSC was booming

  11. 3 minutes ago, Tom Solar said:

    So yea this has been proposed before, I think the last time was the previous period LSC had trouble filling shifts.

    Even though my main character (and all his coworkers, please dont hate me) would benifit greatly from a raised income, I'm gonna have to redpill this.

    1. Adding more money to the economy WILL make everything more expensive, this is basic economics, people are complaining today that a burger is 500bucks and a 1g is 250k, giving people more money will make all the prices go up. Just like it does irl. Instead of adding more, maybe nerf some stuff.

    2. If your arguement is that crims n stuff make more, thats fair, they can also loose it just as fast, crim is high risk high reward. the majority of the crim players are not rich imo.

    3. Freelance jobs make more, yea but who wants to be a roadworker for the rest of their life, I think freelance jobs earn more because its usualy for newer players to get on their feet faster and then when they get tired of that they can find a whitelist job for some more in depth roleplay.

    4. I saw the tax bracket get brought up and that people in high ranks dont actualy earn that mush because of it, its true but usualy people in those positions aren't there for the money anymore, they just wanna keep the company going and have fun with their factionmembers.

    5. you could add comission based bonusses but this would be unfair towards players on more dead timezones / players with administrative tasks, it will make players fight for work and will also make some players drop their roleplay standarts in trade for quicker payments.


    I think this is being braught up again because some companies have issues filling up shifts, I don't think the issue is pay. If I focus on the mechanic companies for a sec, LSC has been having a hard time in waves for a wile but before that it was the other way around with Bayview. Why does bayview have more workers now? because its more fun, why?

    1. There are just more people working at bayview at the moment, people flock, increased employee numbers means more security and more fun.

    2. Because LSC has less workers, they can't provide the best service and this makes some players lash out against LSC workers, this in turn makes LSC workers leave. This even continues ooc on the forum or on discord which makes players less interested in joining that faction.


    To make it clear, I would love more money for my characters an their friends but I don't think it will fix the employment issues. Is there room for balancing payouts, yes.

    All my homies like bayview

    LSC fell off after the mask off show me id 

    • YAY 1
  12. 4 hours ago, DontSniffSugar said:

    I agree. The absolute most you can make in an hour on salary is $8,000. While I do understand the argument that it could be passive and guarantee'd income, most criminals that "grind" have made upwards of 20-30k an hour.

    Yeah (to your statement about it being passive and guaranteed income) as for the “20-30k a crim can make an hour” they could lose 30-100k or even 6 digits In minutes as well given the risk factor of being robbed or arrested… or go on a “lose spree” loosing most their money in a day (for the new criminals)


    so maybe instead of suggesting a raise in the per hour salary, having salary bonuses scripted according to work / rp done, for example (mechanics per car fixed, taxis per ride) would be more balanced ?


  13. Make cash an inventory item (maybe max stack at 100k) per inv slot for example 


    it’ll promote players storing cash rather than depositing it in banks (which adds more chances of RP for Leo’s cracking on tax evasion) and criminals storing money.


    same for taking someone’s money without having them to /pay after doing the RP. 

    Along with multiple other purposes I believe overall this would make much sense and have no cons but pros for the quality of RP overall

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